40 ft is a no no no no no no no no for me! unless a winch is available. Glenn are you up or this wekend?

yeah def up for it u can take me to the start of 40 foot and wait there till i return lol i will drive both ways within the hour lol thats the plan anyway will be a good test for my winch man as he needs to speed up for when we start challenge events :D
just got meself some jate rings from mandm 4x4 but where do i fit em? had a quick look under me disco best place looks like behind bumper wher the oreiginasl tow point is - or am i wrong?
its 3am cant sleep so i went to check that lane as its only 2mile from me, looks easy enough to me but i dont wanna jinx it and call jai, luke james anyone at 3am to pull me out :rolleyes:

It gets bad about half way up. The first 300 metres or so are fine but there are few places to turn around.... don't risk it alone.
Hey rangie how about coming up to santa pod with us? Whitwell lanes are open all year round but Santa Poo is only open for a small part of th year. Glenn_321 you were saying that santa pod was on your list!

Watch yourself if you're doing 40 foot, I barely made it and had help from Spyderman and Jai and its' been raining again.
If you got stuck in there I would not be confident I could get you out.
Hey Kev,

Not doing 40ft... Glenn wants to have a crack at itthough, so Sunday while we are at Santa Poad would be a good time.

Rangie's looking at Harlington for tonight so we'll go too if he is gonna run it.
just got meself some jate rings from mandm 4x4 but where do i fit em? had a quick look under me disco best place looks like behind bumper wher the oreiginasl tow point is - or am i wrong?

You have mounting holes through the chassis. One each side. Disco Basher can probably explain more fully than I can
Hey Kev,

Not doing 40ft... Glenn wants to have a crack at itthough, so Sunday while we are at Santa Poad would be a good time.

Rangie's looking at Harlington for tonight so we'll go too if he is gonna run it.

He's a brave man if he's goin in there!! Harlington should be though, would like to join you but can't on account of 1: I'm in North Wales and 2: Need to put the oil pump back on me Rangey!!

Hopefully will be up and running at the weekend, so if you're going out I may well be up for it but see how it goes. BTW Wicked Lady is looking favourite, will send PMs soon to confirm. Come to think of it, aren't there some lanes out that way?
He's a brave man if he's goin in there!! Harlington should be though, would like to join you but can't on account of 1: I'm in North Wales and 2: Need to put the oil pump back on me Rangey!!

Hopefully will be up and running at the weekend, so if you're going out I may well be up for it but see how it goes. BTW Wicked Lady is looking favourite, will send PMs soon to confirm. Come to think of it, aren't there some lanes out that way?
Kev what about Crooked chimney for meeting place.Is it next to there that the infamous lane with concreat block is.
Where are we going Saterday ... Lol

Let me know what were doing ..

Cheers all and Ello to all the new lot lol good to see you here ..

Great Vid Lamriska hope your well mate ...


TC all have fun

Dunno what you lot are worry about harlington lane pah easy hehe well with 235/85/16's it was can see where you could get stuck tho, Get those muds on!!! How was the rest of the lanes chris?

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