skipped past the lane at Widdington that myself, Jai and a few others did a 16hr recovery on. Did take a look at it though, walked it first and it hasn't changed one bit!! Was bad enough trying to walk it.

Is that the one which the stream goes down beside the lane with the big tree, in the way? We skipped that one as well.
That's the one, we drove it again that year when it was dryer perfectly fine dry. The guys went out alone and was told do NOT drive that lane alone. They had a std disco on roady tyres and managed to slide off the edge only being stopped by a couple of 3 inch dia trees from falling down into the river. They were there a few days I think and we got asked to go help. Adam drove back from Germany and went straight there, myself, Spyderman, classic kev, Ryder and LR Jack went in to help and to prevent damage to the car it was a slow recovery. You know you can trust and rely upon when it's midnight, even moreso when it's 3am and we all were working the next day, everyone is unable to stand upright for mud and things are taking time. Beaker learnt that a hooligan with a v8 bodged in wasn't good to have towing you out. And I lost a wheel spat getting into somewhere I can winch. That's why I have every confidence in Beaker. Some others went before us and did moved it a few feet. It's the first and only I've seen Spyderman be concerned and serious shouting to me if I reverse another 2 inches you will be over in the river on your roof. When I reversed that bit more he went into serious mode and was like anymore you would have been in the river. It's something I've only witnessed that once him being genuinely concerned and serious.

All in all was a good evening out I enjoy those little missions
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skipped past the lane at Widdington that myself, Jai and a few others did a 16hr recovery on. Did take a look at it though, walked it first and it hasn't changed one bit!! Was bad enough trying to walk it.

Is that the one which the stream goes down beside the lane with the big tree, in the way? We skipped that one as well.

Yep, that's the one! Steered well clear of that world of pain!!!
That's the one, we drove it again that year when it was dryer perfectly fine dry. The guys went out alone and was told do NOT drive that lane alone. They had a std disco on roady tyres and managed to slide off the edge only being stopped by a couple of 3 inch dia trees from falling down into the river. They were there a few days I think and we got asked to go help. Adam drove back from Germany and went straight there, myself, Spyderman, classic kev, Ryder and LR Jack went in to help and to prevent damage to the car it was a slow recovery. You know you can trust and rely upon when it's midnight, even moreso when it's 3am and we all were working the next day, everyone is unable to stand upright for mud and things are taking time. Beaker learnt that a hooligan with a v8 bodged in wasn't good to have towing you out. And I lost a wheel spat getting into somewhere I can winch. That's why I have every confidence in Beaker. Some others went before us and did moved it a few feet. It's the first and only I've seen Spyderman be concerned and serious shouting to me if I reverse another 2 inches you will be over in the river on your roof. When I reversed that bit more he went into serious mode and was like anymore you would have been in the river. It's something I've only witnessed that once him being genuinely concerned and serious.

All in all was a good evening out I enjoy those little missions

I think we had used just about every winch recovery trick in the book!! Be it vehicle winches, hand winches, highlift jacks.

Not had to do anything like that for a long time!! The body and mind took one hell of a beating. Called in sick the following day, by the time I got home think I'd been up something like 26 hours.
Was a good recovery nobody wanted to sit in the vehicle I Promised LRJ that I wouldn't let it fall in and he got in.

It's not too bad if rs dry but when its wet you get the wrong line your stuffed

Was a good one Spyderman had a meeting in the morning I got in at 5am no point going to sleep went straight to work.
I remember that recovery! A close call for sure. January 2011(?) if memory serves, cold, very wet and blowing a gale but we got the job done.
Shame you didn't have a time lapse camera would of been a good one to watch and learn how to do it right and safely.

Would have been, but it would have had to have had a good night vision setting on it! It got dark, very quickly. Think that's what did my clutch in, not the dark but all the winching, it was slipping like no bodies business on the way home. :eek:
The key was just to take it slowly, re asses the situation regularly and have one person calling the shots.
Shame you didn't have a time lapse camera would of been a good one to watch and learn how to do it right and safely.

You can read all about it, start at post 12738, runs for a bit though something silly like 250+ posts, some pics in there too but none of them do it justice. Just had a quick look, the Disco got stuck on 11 Jan, we got it out 13/14 Jan, I think this must have been the most popular thread at that time, everyone was watching to see if the Disco came out in one piece. T'was a mission!
I'll look tonight aswell good memories!

Managed to fix the off-roaders starter
Motor the sealed unit solenoid came apart as the rear plunger was seized so the motor was spinning constantly!
Now all back together and working hopefully for this eve get the 80 inch turning over on the button one again!
Just had a re-through of that, fair play to you all for helping him out!

I've been down that lane (partially!) nice and open then narrow around the right hand where it starts to camber! Luckily had room to reverse back up once i'd had a walk further down it!
Just had a quick skim through it. It goes on for pages and pages!!!
Forgot I'd got the basset hound with me!!!
Looked also. It was a side slope that got me stuck also..looked nothing but no ruts and straight in a ditch. Nice to read some of the old threads.
Looked also. It was a side slope that got me stuck also..looked nothing but no ruts and straight in a ditch. Nice to read some of the old threads.

It's always good to remenice and have a blast from the past. :D
It was just like a skating rink that afternoon/evening. Still haven't got round to fixing the free spool on the winch....... Have fixed the clutch though, and had to have a new cylinder head......
Woohoo the offroad spins over once again fuel lines and connect the fuel pump to a live we shall be driving!! Next job after fuel
Lines stopping it!

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