Does anyone know what the lanes around Benington nr stevenage are like particular Cotton lane (track) and Duck lane, they are virtually on my way home from work so was going to have a nosey one day soon.

Also have any dates been set for the laning trip to Yarmouth, be good to meet some of you.
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Alright chaps, a question for you all, so I last drive my Landy at whaddon 3 weeks ago, I've come to start it today and it won't even crank. I have tried jumping it from the other car but no luck. Any ideas fellas? Thanks L
Two things to check if its not even clicking then check the red white wire the smallest wire that goes to the starter from the ignition. If its clicking (solonoid operating) but not spinning over then get your jump lead and go directly from the negative terminal on batt to a nice shiny Ali part on the engine with one jump lead. I usually use the thermostat housing ( make sure the jump lead is away from anything that may get caught if the engine starts up. I'd this works you need to check your earth wires from the engine to chassis an chassis to engine/gearbox shout if you get stuk J
So, I can here a clicking, not sure whether its the solenoid or a relay but still no luck starting it. Anyone got any other tips? Or alternatively a thirst for tea and a helpful eye? Cheers fellas
Hi Lee

You could try whackin the starter with a wooden mallet it could be that the starter has stuck, it occasionally happens is they get wet.

Get the wife to try the ignition while you tap the starter motor. In this occasion it is good to state the obvious, make sure you are ub Neutral !!
It lives! I got the wife's rather attractive friend to turn the key while I ****ted the starter. Fired first time. Then it wouldn't move, I guess the brakes had seized. Got it moving after some rocking. Happy days. Thanks fellas.
It lives! I got the wife's rather attractive friend to turn the key while I ****ted the starter. Fired first time. Then it wouldn't move, I guess the brakes had seized. Got it moving after some rocking. Happy days. Thanks fellas.

If only you had mentioned the attractive friend first, there would have been a lot of offers of actual assistance :)
JCUK the back end of your landy was sticking out a bit today, not as bad as the 206 2 cars behind though. I folded there mirror in with the drill, twas fookin close then met a 7.5ton just past the cars. Look for my tyre marks up the hedge bank :eek::D
Cheers, stu. Thought I parked opposite one of the passing places but was in a bit of a rush this morning.
Pft! That must have been tight. I've cracked a couple of wing mirrors parking there before, but as they cost almost exactly half of a days parking in the station car park, I think I'm quids in.

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