Well Done!!

Let me know if there is anything we can do to back up info I'm sure I have copies of emails sent as does Spyderman I would think.
Been busy today Andy and me ( pretty much all Andy) made me a new rear x member from 6mm box for the series Landy. Its seriously strong!!! tomorrows job body EEK!! pass me the drill to get rid of those Rivits!!! I hope there is no series 1 rivit counters here bacsue its getting errrrrm some new rear ali panels!
Well Done!!

Let me know if there is anything we can do to back up info I'm sure I have copies of emails sent as does Spyderman I would think.

Maybe a good idea to pass all emails on to be viewed by someone who is not biased. I will wait till tuesday to see if anything evolves. Thanks Jai
well, i had a great day today, my mate stu had a rumbling from the front, play in a bearing, took it apart to investigate and discovered mud where there was supposed to be grease haha. took the hub off and noticed that the oil seal had been siliconed in. looks like the guy who had it before had butchered the hub trying to get an old bearing race out at some point. put it back together and now waiting for parts. my 90 is not a happy bunny either, coming back from whaddon a couple of weeks ago my wipers gave up on the M1. i was maybe a bit over zealous and ripped it off complete with the part that runs through the screen housing. Is it ever easy owning a landy? hahaha
More emails from May 20 2011

I've received a response, worthwhile taking things to the top.

Dear Mr *****,

I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail. I have asked Joel Carre, my Head of Communities, who manages this area to consider the points you have raised and look into the matter for me. We will respond shortly.


Stewart Briggs
Executive Director of Environment
and Sustainable Communities
Bedford Borough Council

01234 228283

Sent: 20 May 2011 09:04
To: Stewart Briggs
Subject: FW: Forty Foot Lane

Dear Mr Briggs,

I enclose a previous email sent to Adrian Fett & Martin Brawn, to which I have not received a reply, together with a photograph of Forty Foot lane taken last Sunday.
Surely this repeated use of TRO to keep this lane closed is illegal? The reason for the closure is quite simply nonsensical.

I await your response.

Yours Sincerely,

Sent: 12 May 2011 09:24
To: 'adrian.fett@bedford.gov.uk'
Cc: martyn.brawn@bedford.gov.uk
Subject: Forty Foot Lane

Dear Mr Fett,

How do you justify the continued illegal use of TRO without referral to the Secretary of State to maintain the closure of Forty Foot Lane to vehicular traffic?

Notice is hereby given that the Bedford Borough Council have made an Order the effect of which will be
to prohibit any person driving any mechanically propelled vehicle or any horse drawn vehicle along Forty
Foot Lane: Part of Souldrop: BOAT NO 10 and Wymington: BOAT NO 8 which extends from Plain Pond
at Ordnance Survey Grid Reference (OS GR) SP 9613 6117 (Map point A) for approximately 2240
metres to its junction with Public Footpath No 4 Knotting and Souldrop at (OS GR) SP 9783 6255 (Map
point B).
This closure is required to prevent serious damage to the lanes which would be likely if they
were used by vehicles during the present conditions. The closure is expected to continue to take
place from 1 May 2011 for up to six months.
The above lanes will remain open to pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists.
The Order will come into operation on 1 May 2011 for a period not exceeding six months.
For further information please contact Adrian Fett, Tel: 01234 228335
Dated 21 April 2011
Borough Hall Stewart Briggs
Cauldwell Street Executive Director for Environment
Bedford MK42 9AP and Sustainable Communities”

You cite the reason as prevention of “serious damage during the present conditions” We have just had the warmest and driest April on record, all lanes are both dry and their surfaces hard. How is a vehicle going to damage the lane by driving it?

This lane has now been closed for over 3 years. Bedfordshire Council is not complying with their statutory legal responsibilities.

Maybe I should reduce my road fund license by x amount, as x amount of local right of way have been unavailable to drive because the council have failed to maintain them. Could you imagine them saying sorry chaps the M1 is TRO'd because it’s awfully expensive to maintain, so we have taken away the legal right of way away because we have had cuts and we have not budgeted for it.

I await your reply,

Yours Sincerely,
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well, i had a great day today, my mate stu had a rumbling from the front, play in a bearing, took it apart to investigate and discovered mud where there was supposed to be grease haha. took the hub off and noticed that the oil seal had been siliconed in. looks like the guy who had it before had butchered the hub trying to get an old bearing race out at some point. put it back together and now waiting for parts. my 90 is not a happy bunny either, coming back from whaddon a couple of weeks ago my wipers gave up on the M1. i was maybe a bit over zealous and ripped it off complete with the part that runs through the screen housing. Is it ever easy owning a landy? hahaha

Lee what bits you waiting for??? I have about 20 hub seals here if it gets your mota back together quicker let me know just replace what ever parts you use with like for like J
any plans for trip soon?

July for the trip to Yarmouth, Locally I have until Sunday until my MOT runs out and not going to get time to even look at it until middle of next month. Between now and Sunday we're hitting the series 1 trialer. Sunday we're in South Wales for the ALRC nationals laying out the Team Recovery which is always a good spectator event! Plenty of V8 roar and mud flinging!
Spyderman your emails have been forwarded on. Its not just forty foot shut this year. Theres a few lanes tro,d

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