Nope tis staying on there til the offroader is sorted. On the pkus side the evenings are getting lighter and the weather seems better!! Need to get a couple of brass t pieces tomorrow somwhere between MK and Oxford
Popped into dingo croft earlier today was about to call you spydie but got sidetracked by some guy ordering a handbrake cable I grabbed the bits I wanted got back in the car and couldn't think fr the life of me
What I was going to do then 5 miles away I remembered bollix shoulda phoned you up!!
Probably going to give it a miss. Annoying because I haven't been there in a while, but the children are just getting over ****ty viruses... Rose and I have been hit too and I would hate to carry something nasty to the pub with me.

I will re-assess tomorrow evening but can't honestly see me being there.
Would any one be intrested in a heavy duty trailer for £50
Built on what looks like a jiminy axel.
Needs a latch to keep rear door from opening.
And light board needs attention.

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