Righty ho... I am bitching for Brett tomorrow, and Kai is coming with me so if anyone needs a winchy bitch then he is available also.... he's taking the video camera anorl!
Hope Roundhill was good.

I saw a convoy of 90s head off that was and a very muddy disco on the way back. I was going to pop up to say hello, but went in the garage and found a puddle of brake fluid on the floor. Arse.

Front top left slave cylinder is dripping badly and soaked the shoes, so a new cylinder and new shoes have been ordered. Its a TLS setup but someone has had the foresight to re-plumb with the bleed nipple on the top, so if I'm careful when I put the new cylinder on then bleeding shouldn't be too much of a nightmare (famous last words). One day I'll have brakes that work for more than six months at a time...
I'm quite some way from having mine on the road but once do I would like to do some laning. I currently have a soft top- would that be a no no?
I'm quite some way from having mine on the road but once do I would like to do some laning. I currently have a soft top- would that be a no no?
Sounds like you are in the same boat as me, you got any pics of your landy? How far off the road is yours?
Got second place in the punch event, prize is free entry to the next one.

I poped down there today as i knew you was there
Wanted to see if I could watch as I've never been there before
But I ended up just sitting in the car in the carpark watching the rain
I didn't know if I would be allowed to walk about or where to go if I could
I stayed till 1ish " maybe next time"
piccies are coming.... editing video even as we speak!

Couple of piccys on my facebook account - seriously wet out there..... but tremendous fun. Starting to wonder whether there's owt that can stop Brett's motor when it gets going!
How come you didn't win!;) Get any piccies?
Turned up 2 hours after it started, it's been a busy weekend of work. Ran out of time to get more punches. We got 2 that nobody else even attempted. Only lost by 1 punch, we would have ****ed it with 2 hours more. Car is absolutely amazing, the Fedimas combined with the Detroit means I can just point it at where I want Tito go and it goes. More power required as a matter of urgency.

Kai did a great job as Biatch, weather was horrible ,cold wet and miserable.

28th October next time.
sounds fun!! Sorry i missed it ran out of cash this month work hasnt paid my expenses yet kinda screwed me a bit but hey ho. Will be at that site

next time park up and have a wander around. Trials they get a bit funny aslong as you stay out of the way of vehicles then it'll be ok. oh and dont get lost hehe

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