snowed in Lutom this am twas about 3/4 inch on the ground and nearly 2 inches covering my car at 7:00am this morning.

You should have seen it by Knutsford Services on the M6 at about midday!!

All I can say is I love my winter tyres; it was funny being in a car going up and down hills with no problem watching everybody else struggling and getting stuck - even saw a 4x4 struggle to get going but it was on road tyres:doh:
Has been quiet TBH.

I'm heading upto Brickhill tomorrow BHCLRC doing an RTV, I'll only be up there in the morning tho not taking part.

Just got back from a mamouth drive Luton to Southampton to Canterbury back to Luton.
Is there any chance of getting a solid date for some green laning during the xmas holiday?
I'd be the organiser but I havent got an OS map or a clue im gonna get the missus to come with us and let her have a go o_O
Is there any chance of getting a solid date for some green laning during the xmas holiday?
I'd be the organiser but I havent got an OS map or a clue im gonna get the missus to come with us and let her have a go o_O

Post some dates and we'll let you know, I'm pretty much free, not working from Christmas till 3rd Jan.:D
Post some dates and we'll let you know, I'm pretty much free, not working from Christmas till 3rd Jan.:D

If anything that probably means you'll be less likely to able to go laning :D:D

There hasn't been that much wind since coming up here .. It's frozen overnight on the inside and ive been woken up by a hailstorm. Today it was snowing when I woke up :lol:
Post some dates and we'll let you know, I'm pretty much free, not working from Christmas till 3rd Jan.:D

Any date except the 27th as Im shooting then cooking a family dinner.
I suppose the 28th as well as the better half has 2do a half day till noonish.
So 29th 30th and even 31st as I dont do new years. Then the 1st or 2nd also any of them would be great.

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