I'm up for doing a few lanes on Sunday, got one of my mates that might want to come along as well. PM me the meeting place, CHEERS.

Hey Kris you back from your holiday. I'm about to go on holiday to the Caribbean because I have such a hard life here. Will be flying out of Gatwick, so will pop in for a Beer :D
Hi Kris, I'm thinking East Herts/Essex borders. Good place to meet might be Baldock services on the A1, so we can do Ashwell first.
Not too well if im honest. Ignore this if you dont want to read a rant. Parents being unreasonable, wont help me with anything, always arguing with me... No money to move out as i am trying to buy another car to run while the landys dead.. Somehow they wont give me a lift to pick up Ryder's astra in luton and then try to argue that i have no way of getting to work tomorrow and make me call a taxi. There are about 3 buses a day and last week my dad dropped me 7 miles away and told me to walk to work in 30 minutes.

So yeah i dont know what to do... and even now im probably keeping them awake by typing this even though they refuse to shut the 3 doors between us!!! :mad:

Any suggestions?? :hysterically_laughi
P.S. might not be able to get on tomorrow as dad will most likely disconnect the internet as im online at 1am and he has decided my 'bed time' is 11pm like his :hysterically_laughi

Wish me luck :D:D:D:D
find yourself a mental rock chic move out get

must admit I am v lucky that my parents are pretty sound. Even to the point that my old man came out and picked me up from town I was passed out holding onto a fence. He picked us and our girlfriends up at 3am and delivered us all home while I was being sick all over the place he was laughing his head off as i was gonna pay the price for being soo drunk with a serious hangover. I do remember sitting in the bath being sick. Went to bed and woke up at 7 to walk an hour to a Television exam at college. I think thats when the 10 quid entry free bar changed to 30p a shot we drunk them out of every thing they had.
Sorry to hear LRJ.

Because of this beautiful weather does anyone fancy doing a few lanes tonight?

I'll be about from 4 ish, just looking at the weather and thinking about the lovely mud.

Life can be Sh1t sometimes LRJ, just makes it better when it's good :D

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