I figure a rear winch hasn't got to be that heavy duty or expensive. I's out of the way of all of the ****, tucked up nice and safe. The way I see it, it'll only really ever get used for self recovery back the way I came when I don't fancy going any further forwards into the mire.

I'm on the lookout for a decent ground anchor, one that's easy to use and light. I think X-Eng make a lightweight one. I don't want the hassle of one that you have to hammer spikes into the ground.

Another swing away snatch block too, then I'm sorted.
If you like we can have a go and make a couple of ground anchors. It shouldnt be too difficult. Note to self must make sure the spade has a few degrees of movement the last homemade one I saw didn't and it was painful to watch the guy try and use it cos it didnt work!
I'm sorry my mishap caused arguments, im very grateful to you Ryan, you did help me out of a tight spot. Maybe the marshals weren't thinking right at the end of the day or whatever, but after all it was my fault and i've learnt from it. A few more things I understand now so I'm trying to look on the bright side. Jai I am so happy that I know you because you have always been so willing to help me when I'm in the worst situations and you never even expect anything in return.

Brett I'm not too sure but I think they must have drained away between when I went on the Saturday and you on the Sunday. Water was coming over the bonnets of a few other landies as mine stood looking a bit sorry for itself. I really should have got out to look at them going through it before but I guess i felt a bit rushed as there had been a queue at that point. Oh well, **** happens and we move on. I did laugh at how you just bought one winch and you're already thinking about a rear one as well :lol::lol: Obviously we'll see if they are up to scratch when one has to pull me out of the next situation i get in :rolleyes: But thats after it gets fixed :rolleyes:

... again :rolleyes::rolleyes:
after another day of digging and 2 more landy absolutly full on the bump stops i'm about 2/3's the way through digging the garden! i need to get out trialling soon as a reward for all this digging! Migt join some more clubs see who's doing anything in the area dare I say AWDC might get a look in again.
cheers Phil I'll defo shout when we start the back garden.

Almost deep enough now for matting and Hardcore/MOT.

Anyway BIG thanks to Spyderman for sorting me ot a shiny new winch cable and roller fair lead even delivered them cheers Brett!

On the side your front bumper looks sweet! I do like it alot!

Phil, which day and what time did you go round the off road course? What size are those tyres? You can clearly see in those pictures the water coming over your bonnet..

Phil was there on Saturday. There was less water in the stream on Sunday for sure, must have been all of the rain beforehand. Phil's tyres aren't that big anymore, took the huge ones off.

I still haven't taken any photos yet.

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