No problem Sible i'll be playing with the landys most of the weekend try and get my roll cage off poxy 20+ year old locktite is proving to be tough stuff!
Landy is haemorrhaging money again, just ordered twin battery passenger seat under tray, saw them at Billing, really neat solution for a Series motor. The existing box really isn't big enough for one battery let alone two.

Ordered new fuel tank and chassis outriggers as tank has leak and outriggers are rusty and horrible, so might as well replace them whilst tank is out.

Been fitting the front winch plate and hawse tonight, looks good and pretty indestructible.
Cool I will see if I can get my winch plate made up. I have my bumper and sussed out my fan/clearance issues. so Its all go with the winch mount again.
I have some really crap internet dongle now so while bt sit on their arses doing nothing I can still get on occasionally. Would love to do a trip later this year when the landys fixed. Why dont we try wales like we originally planned? Or shropshire is a bit closer or we could go visit booger in dorset but im not sure how good the lanes are :D
I have some really crap internet dongle now so while bt sit on their arses doing nothing I can still get on occasionally. Would love to do a trip later this year when the landys fixed. Why dont we try wales like we originally planned? Or shropshire is a bit closer or we could go visit booger in dorset but im not sure how good the lanes are :D

Have u fixed your landy?
Note when you think you have got water in your engine. You check the air filter and its saturated. Make sure you remove ALL injectors or at least the glow plugs take the ign wire off the inj pump and turn the engine over with a bar/ratchet until water stops firing out or use the starter and then when you are 100 Percent sure its clear of any water put it back together and fire it up. DO not listen to anyone telling you that it'll be ok its only no 4 and the injector is too tight to undo It'll be ok turn it over cos your gonna do a HG or worse.

I feel for you Jack. I Feel guilty I didn't come around with you when you asked might have saved youa world of pain.

If that is aimed at me you can **** off!! I spent for hours with him removing the 3 injectors that would come out!! And turned it over to get the water out and advised him that the fourth should come out but was not prepared to break his truck when he is far from home and also drained his tank as it had taken ALOT of water in from the filler neck and he had two spanners and no screwdrivers I had to sponge them of other people!!
I was in my best clothes working on his truck while he was ****ing about buying photos of when he got stuck.

I give up when he didn't want to buy a new fuel filter!!

So IF it was aimed at me you can go **** yourself!! And you were really that bothered you could of helped him yourself!

Next time I won't bother and walk away and say your problem
And for the record. I was actually on a mission myself helping an old friend in trouble. I spent a few hours sourcing parts to fix his RRC. I didn't mind nor worry about it as he is an old friend of many years and it was a pleasure to help him as I'm certain he would if I needed help. You know aswell as I do if Jack or anyone on here (pretty much any LZ member) would have shouted for help we never leave anyone behind. Anyone of the Herts Laners knows this.
Think he is telling porkies he had lots of help but he knew best I did the best job I could with the tools I had!!
It did make me laugh when he said he was going on a long journey the next day!!
Admitily the marshal did say start it up and let it run through!!
But I did do all I could!
That's why I didn't leave him and did all I could. I felt guilty saying I had to go when I did but he had some1 else towing him inside the show to help further. I had a corsa so couldn't offer a tow home.

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