ha ha looks like i got my feet up first too JAI..:p

iwannas 90 is now tip top.lanes next weekend or whaddon.. iwanna needs a crash course in landy operation.she did drive well today but needs a bit of pratice in doubleing the clutch to reverse park.part that reckon shes good for a bit of action in the woods....
Bloody ell.... I wish my missus was up for a bit of action in the woods!:D:D
Thanks to kev for the loan of a spare afm and a load of techy figures I am hoping that the next few days will show a marked improvement in fuel consumption... may be I'll get as much as 10 to the gallon! Now THAT would be a result!
driving to my daughters house in toddington this am - saw a a group of likely looking landy off roaders at barton-le-clay on the way to somewhere - was it any of you and if so where were you all going?
also whats the collective noun for a number of landys together?
Thanks to kev for the loan of a spare afm and a load of techy figures I am hoping that the next few days will show a marked improvement in fuel consumption... may be I'll get as much as 10 to the gallon! Now THAT would be a result!

No worries but don't forget to do a compression test as well, first dry then wet. I don't know if it is worth doing a substitue ECU check. I have a spare so can be arranged.
driving to my daughters house in toddington this am - saw a a group of likely looking landy off roaders at barton-le-clay on the way to somewhere - was it any of you and if so where were you all going?
also whats the collective noun for a number of landys together?

Could have been the rangie boys I think they were heading to Whaddon today. Maybe Devils pit was open? was there an RAC coloured orange commercial discovery 1 if so It will be the Rangie boys jaunt out
I'd be up for some on the sunday. Cant do Monday or wednesday this week but might be available for a few hours on tuesday.

Ok I'll try and sort out a recce on tuesday. Won't have the muds on then but we should still be able to check them out.

You couldn't weld it up?

I have no welder, never welded in my life and even if someone helped me do it, some beer tokens and the fuel to get there and back would probably be the same price as the new part cost me.
Hahaha. How's you Kris - long time no hear.
Hi Kev mate, all's good just been busy with work, also private work and when not doing that i'm delivering vehicles round the country in my transporter. Only way to stay on top of the bills. Haven't been to the pub meets for a while but will make a point to get to the next one and catch up with everyone. When you guys out on the lanes next, haven't done any laning in ages.

All of the lanes you mentioned are fine, we did them on Saturday. Rangie on road tyres did them.

I now have a fully fixed and secure steering column, even the indicators work. I have both brake lights working, my steering wheel is on straight and I've got a very flash stainless steel starter button.
Life is good.

Screwed for next weekend, BAFTAs.

Next job is to look at winch. I'm going to sell the Mayflower, it's huge.

All of the lanes you mentioned are fine, we did them on Saturday. Rangie on road tyres did them.

I now have a fully fixed and secure steering column, even the indicators work. I have both brake lights working, my steering wheel is on straight and I've got a very flash stainless steel starter button.
Life is good.

Screwed for next weekend, BAFTAs.

Next job is to look at winch. I'm going to sell the Mayflower, it's huge.

Oh right, didn't realise you went that far east you reckon we will get round those in 2 hours? maybe 3? Shame there aren't more in south cambs :(
Change of plan for recce, anyone want to join me Wednesday, Thursday afternoon (I finish work at 2 so maybe 2.30) or any time on Saturday?
Change of plan for recce, anyone want to join me Wednesday, Thursday afternoon (I finish work at 2 so maybe 2.30) or any time on Saturday?

I may be up for saturday will see how the week goes need to get back out and do some lanes now the mot is all done.....:D:D:D

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