Jai, not looking at a night away as such... just a 6am start and late return - we leave at 6 we should be driving the lanes by 8.30-9 am

Drive till about 6.30 pm and drive home for about 9 or ten pm.
Count me out. I ain't doing that in my Series.
All lanes east of M11, north of M25 and south of A120.
North of A120 is next time out.

nice one, cheers, everyone in essex seems to have gone to sleep recently!

I cobbled together a bracket for me camera that goes in the rear view mirror mount, works kinda well
It was a beautiful day, we were out and about all day and didn't see a soul. Most lanes looked hardly driven.:confused:

i know! went out on me todd with me boy yesterday to check out some new ones over by Stansted way (near where you guys went) & saw 2 vitaras & that was it
if ya dont mind, drop us a pm next time when youre out & ill keep me eye on this thread & i might tag along if im about, im only 20 mins from that area..
Foss you would be most welcome! Would be interested to see your rear mount... we kinda like doing the videos and Kai only came up with the mount so he could practice welding!

Am guessing we'll be out doing the other lanes in a couple of weeks... depends on Spydie and his habit of sliding down mountains!
Foss you would be most welcome! Would be interested to see your rear mount... we kinda like doing the videos and Kai only came up with the mount so he could practice welding!

Am guessing we'll be out doing the other lanes in a couple of weeks... depends on Spydie and his habit of sliding down mountains!

cheers, cool beans...the mounts nowt special-i robbed it from a 240v floodlight-does the job! Be in touch ;)
Some of the stills from yesterday













Thinking about it i could have came and joined in on saturday on my way back from dover, I think the 6.5t Van woulda made it........

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