Lol, I can't do that weekend, bloody work! Never mind! many a weekend during the summer with more lanes open! :D
OK looks like something a little more local then - maybe we'll put Derby on the back burner and suggest it again in a few weeks - don't want it to be too close to July though!
Sounds like a good idea, I'm gonna run her to and from work tomorrow to see if anything else crops up.

Derby could be done april/may time?
Hi all, looks like you all had a good day yesterday.Kev & I went out for a couple of hours this lunch over Tring area to check out some lanes,most are closed permanently but one good one re-opens 1st May.We then went up to Pepperstock and the tree is now removed,also checked out width restriction Kev can just get through but I cant as my tree sliders make me too wide (some adjustments may be needed)!!!

Hi Steve, nice to see you two had a pleasant afternoon out and about! I can get through the restriction at the south end with a couple of inches to spare but the north end is pretty tight!

Interested to knwo where the seasonal lane at Tring might be... did you guys check out the lanes Jai was chatting about at the pub?
Sounds like a good idea, I'm gonna run her to and from work tomorrow to see if anything else crops up.

Derby could be done april/may time?

Apart from Easter when there is an event that we want to got to April is clear for us. Could even do mid week with the boys off school!

Video from yesterday will be uploaded in a little while I will link in a very short while.
Video from yesterday - there is one little bit of bad editing, but my machine is starting to act up again and I really wanted to get it up and available before it crashed.

There is a little bit of mud in the middle where the lane had been washed out in the floods. No damage done to the lane by us getting through and none to the vehicles either.

Hope you enjoy

[ame=""]YouTube- essex6march_0003.wmv[/ame]
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let me chat to the rangie boys they are doing derbyshire but I would like to go up same time but not in their group as they have already arranged it and it would be better in a small group say 3 or 4 less hassel on the cheap roughing it a bit.
Video from yesterday - there is one little bit of bad editing, but my machine is starting to act up again and I really wanted to get it up and available before it crashed.

There is a little bit of mud in the middle where the lane had been washed out in the floods. No damage done to the lane by us getting through and none to the vehicles either.

Hope you enjoy

YouTube- essex6march_0003.wmv

nice vid! my camera ran out of battery yesterday!

you got a gps loc for any of the lanes mate?
Alas I wasn't carrying my tracker yesterday so no GPS loc. They are all marked as byways on the OS map though. Spyderman would be able to give you grid refs I am sure.

Ash... The mount seemed to work quite well... top marks to Kai for making it for me, we're going to add a few bits to make the viewing angle adjustable though, and a cushion to stop the camera getting messed up.

Hopefully afterward we will put together a perspex housing for a lower mount to be attached to the bumper!
Jai, not looking at a night away as such... just a 6am start and late return - we leave at 6 we should be driving the lanes by 8.30-9 am

Drive till about 6.30 pm and drive home for about 9 or ten pm.

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