Well, I manged follow the wrong landy out of the car park and missed the lane and all the fun completly.

See you at south mimms on saturday, and please dont put me in charge of navigation.
Well, I manged follow the wrong landy out of the car park and missed the lane and all the fun completly.

See you at south mimms on saturday, and please dont put me in charge of navigation.

I thought I saw you turn the wrong way... should have had the cb on channel 6!
sorry i wasnt there tonight guys, was working. will see you all at the next one, or maybe this saturday if i can get up there, or at the meet on the 1st if you guys pop down!
A pleasant evening (as usual). Nice to catch up for a natter.

I guess you all saw what I was on about at the top of the lane and how on earth did Phil manage to pop a tyre off in there?? Hey ho, it happens I suppose. Sorry won't make it Saturday but soon enough I'll be out to play.

Cheers peeps.
Unfortunatly i won't be able to make saturday, might make it to whaddon on sunday though.

I shall possobly make it to the next pub meet, not been able to get away for work for the past 2 months.

hopefully see you all soon

I thought I saw you turn the wrong way... should have had the cb on channel 6!
:eek: My CB is sitting in a box in the garage, and the aerial should be arriving in the post today. Hopefully, I'll get it fitted on Friday in time for the weekend outing.
Well having been taling to Kai and he says that he would rather go laning on Saturday than go to Whaddon on Sunday, since he can do whaddon virtually any time but these are new lanes we have not visited before.

Hence... looks like we'll be there!
:eek: My CB is sitting in a box in the garage, and the aerial should be arriving in the post today. Hopefully, I'll get it fitted on Friday in time for the weekend outing.

You want to hook up and chase one another down the motorway?
Ryder I went to do that tree yesterday with one of my chainsaws but could not do it as you had left out that it sits across a lake and I only had walking boots with me. Will try again over the weekend.
it certainly is glenn. i'm sure everyone will be pleased for you to join us.
Yeah well i guess its been over a year since i was last out with you guys, have just been so busy with uni and work hard to fit it all in lol be good to catch up and see how everyone is and meet a few new faces seems like the group has doubled since i was around lol

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