Anyone thiking of driving the lanes just south of the meet tomorrow should be aware that the ORPA at the south end of the pepperstock lane had a tree blocking it yesterday. Job for Phil I reckon!
I've been on here a while, I just don't like it!
I prefer the other one :)

Oh and my phone has recovered the video Daniel done, so I'll put that up too!
It's not very good, lots of the dash again, I told him he's got rubbish camera skills!

But yeah next time you wanna go for a swim in the landy :D

Hey cut the guy some slack... he was holdin a map after all!
Holding a map! Pfft!

Here's the second part to the video anyway!

[ame=""]YouTube- Furneaux Pelham Ford Part 2[/ame]
bloke in the pub today with an svx pointed out my series, and decided he wants to go out laning and off roading some time, he is a nutter, doesnt care about paint job, or getting stuck and all that - and its an 09 svx.

could be a touch amusing.

anyways, i am off to bed
Maybe, it really depends on who is coming on the day, as to whether that one is an option. It could be pretty extreme.
id check that lane before driving it, probbably very extreme, but i think i saw a notice on there last time i was down that way. Theres another lane down old road, about 2 minutes away thats supposed to be hard but ive never driven it
id check that lane before driving it, probbably very extreme, but i think i saw a notice on there last time i was down that way. Theres another lane down old road, about 2 minutes away thats supposed to be hard but ive never driven it
I'd deffo walk it first, I haven't done the other ones around there, Kev got stuck and it took us most of the day to get him out.
if you approach from horse mans side you can park up off the road and have a bimble down other wise you have this to contend with from the off. This was filmed when it was quite dry, 110s might struggle.

Nice to meet new faces and old tonight at the pub meet. Apparantly some tit forgot to pay his tab............. Yea I got home and realised so I had to go back and pay our bill. Wot a Tit! Jai
Well just goes to show even the best known lanes hold some surprises!

Phil got caught short in Pepperstock lane after the meet tonight.... not stuck exactly just popped a tyre off the rim; but given the irony piccys will be uploaded soon!

Glad you got moving so quickly though fella!
Well just goes to show even the best known lanes hold some surprises!

Phil got caught short in Pepperstock lane after the meet tonight.... not stuck exactly just popped a tyre off the rim; but given the irony piccys will be uploaded soon!

Glad you got moving so quickly though fella!
At least we got to drive the lane 4 times. Phil followed me home in his 3 wheeler, so he's home safe.



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