Took the Landy out for a few lanes tonight. Landy feels really strange to drive, steering is weird, getting used to it though.
Almost lost it on a wet roundabout, very out of shape. I think I've got the hang of it now though.

Engaged 4WD on the lane and Oh my God! what a difference, it feels like the same difference as you get from going from 2WD to 4WD again.

The push from the rear end is spectacular, really feels like the grip is enormous. Can't wait to have a go at Whaddon.
Took the Landy out for a few lanes tonight. Landy feels really strange to drive, steering is weird, getting used to it though.
Almost lost it on a wet roundabout, very out of shape. I think I've got the hang of it now though.

Engaged 4WD on the lane and Oh my God! what a difference, it feels like the same difference as you get from going from 2WD to 4WD again.

The push from the rear end is spectacular, really feels like the grip is enormous. Can't wait to have a go at Whaddon.

Just got a job so if I buy some tyres before the next one I will be there!
Any recomendations on tyres?

Nobody believes you when you say how different a mota handles until they actually drive it themselves.

Now you know!

Snow will be fun for you aswell. You have to really really push it hard to get the back end out and any trying up to backend out is er interesting!!!

i can say that because he will kick my ass Karting! As will Kai mos probably.

Mine feels a bit like driving a kart in the wet now, very twitchy. it's gone from being very passive to very lively in the way it applies the power.

You'll feel exactly the same in a Kart. Once I got tuned into it, it wasn't a problem, but it did take me a bit by surprise.

I'd imagine steering in slippery mud is going to be interesting. Terminal understeer could be the order of the day.
I am here... if I was stuck I would have been on the phone by now lol! I am up for a shotgun seat (or two if poss) for the Whaddon trip out... my disco is still not done!

It is my own fault of course. I have been trying to get Kai interested in doing things other than Land Rovering this summer break. I know, I know... it is just that I think he needs to go spend some time with his friends... go to the park, ride his bike and spend a little bit of time being twelve years old.

Of course I can't keep him out of the workshop either. He has converted a golf trolley into a go kart, done some welding and a bit of mechanics too but for the first time he has shown an interest in a couple of other kids his own age and I really wanted to encourage that!

He is begging me to get this Karting evening sorted out so I will be doing that just as soon as I have a few quid in the account. I'll book a random evening and whoever wants to come can let spyderman have some cash and he'll pay it in one hit.

Jai.... still looking for Rachel's working dates if she has any to send over to me!

The role of the disco has now changed. No longer need it to be a seven seater so the back seats are coming out and the occasional seats will remain in case we are taking extra passengers when we go out. Thinking that I will probably need to replace the entire floor but am simply hoping that I will be able to find something to weld to!

Been copncentrating on updating the tracking software also. New units have become available and they are the nuts! Been incorporating their facilities into the existing software in readiness for really giving the system a damn good kick up the arse to get it into the market place... still really wish I had a marketing bod to work with since that is my weak point but hey ho we does what we can!

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