Haven't been on here in a little while.. things have been so busy. Is anyone up for some laning soon? Can't do this weekend but maybe next weekend?

Or how about a weekend in Shropshire 16/17th July? :D:D Anyone about?

Congrats on the sale Kev!
I'm hoping to get back and sort my landy out in the next couple of weeks, Not been home for 3 weeks so that hasn't helped much. But i shall be up for something once I get sorted. Maybe after i get back from Canada though.

Anyways How is everyone?

I'll let someone else answer that one...

Good to see you around again Screwy, I have some bad news though....

Michael Jackson is dead...

and you really won't believe this

They also killed Osama.....

Funny ****er!!!:doh:

Trip went that well then did it?!?!
Blimey it's one thing after another at the moment! God awful rattling copming from somewhere in the vacinity of the front axle... can't feel anything amiss in the steering - could be the diff I guess. Not a crunching sound just a rattle loud enough to wake the dead! Only occurs when the vehicle is moving and more pronounced under any kind of acceleration.

anyone experienced anything similar? Apart from the diff I am running out of ideas since there is nothing visibly loose under there!

Yeah I have. With all my wealth of knowledge about mechanical workings of every type of vehicle known across the universe. Yes, even cyborg space ships.

Do what I did, take it to a garage and let them worry about it!!! :p
Hey Adam, did you look up Sammy258 ? She can do amazing things with a shampoo bottle :D Think she is in Vancouver, where are you ?

I have done, And there are a lot of Sammy258's on the tinterweb. I'm in Berlin at the moment. But I shall be in Toronto again.
I went to Bury St.Edmunds this morning, I was told I'd make it there in an hour. Couldn't be late, didn't realise how far it was. Bloody hell had to engage warp drive to get there, 1 hour 8 minutes from home in Luton in the end. Far more sedate on the way back, still did £40 in fuel.
Yeah I have. With all my wealth of knowledge about mechanical workings of every type of vehicle known across the universe. Yes, even cyborg space ships.

Do what I did, take it to a garage and let them worry about it!!! :p
A garage? Wash your mouth out with soap!
I went to Bury St.Edmunds this morning, I was told I'd make it there in an hour. Couldn't be late, didn't realise how far it was. Bloody hell had to engage warp drive to get there, 1 hour 8 minutes from home in Luton in the end. Far more sedate on the way back, still did £40 in fuel.

Bury is a bit of a hike, you made good time - have you still got a driving licence?

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