Hey guys!!!

How is everyone doing?? I'm finally getting my landy back soon and will be ready to get some laning in. Have any of you got anything aranged anytime soon?? Or does anyone fancy getting together for a trip, local or further afield??

Be good to get back out and catch up.

Look forward to reading it!!

I was hoping this week but it's not looking good, they're struggling to find the jigsaw pieces for the exhaust as it's been dicked about with so much.

But when I do get the old girl back :5bparty:

How did the Wales trip go??
How did the Wales trip go??


I'll let someone else answer that one...

Good to see you around again Screwy, I have some bad news though....

Michael Jackson is dead...

and you really won't believe this

They also killed Osama.....

and you really won't believe this

They also killed Osama.....
Here's proof of his burial at sea:doh::hysterically_laughi

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V_kSd7Uimg"]YouTube - ‪Video Of Osama Bin Laden's Burial At Sea Leaked‬‏[/nomedia]
Blimey it's one thing after another at the moment! God awful rattling copming from somewhere in the vacinity of the front axle... can't feel anything amiss in the steering - could be the diff I guess. Not a crunching sound just a rattle loud enough to wake the dead! Only occurs when the vehicle is moving and more pronounced under any kind of acceleration.

anyone experienced anything similar? Apart from the diff I am running out of ideas since there is nothing visibly loose under there!
The prop is coming off this evening so hopefully should be able to examine that. Would be nice if that is at fault!
It's official, I have sold my house!!! If any of you have my home number, delete it coz I aint there no more.

I'll be around for a bit while I look for a house in N.Wales - well at least until the boss tells me where I'm gonna live!
Well took the front prop off in the ****ing rain! Prop's fine so I'll stick the old girl in gear in the morning and run her just to make sure it's not coming from the xfer box...(Don't seriously think that it is but it is as well to be sure I guess). then it's time to get the front axle working while I have a good old listen...
Oh hey I'll drop those wading plugs back to you over the weekend Jai... if you are not at home I'll stick them in an envelope and put them through your door.
went to the pub for a late tea and ended up drinking coke until closing. Come home via putridgeberry and the other lane just down the road the ammount of dumping is mad now the lanes are flat its unbelieveable!

Also learnt that my 90 or should I say the snorkel is slightly higher than Luton's carpark barriers Doh!

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