Oh yeah... got propper stuck there - Spyderman couldn't pull the Rangie out, Gibbo couldn't winch it out that was right messy!! In the end though all it took was a high lift, a couple of waffle boards and Kris 300tdi in his Suzuki :eek:

Proper stuck.

Thanks for reminding me Spyderman Hehehehe. If I remember well though I did have to tow you out of a little puddle just at the end.
OMG Thats one messy cab:D:D and the Rangie looks like it's got racing slicks on!!!! There were still a couple on nice puddles near the end of the lane the other week, although we pretty well emptied them after a couple of goes.
Which lane is this? would rather not end up in the drink, whats that longest recovery record now :rolleyes:

Its a lane out of Widdington Village. With the pub on your left its off a small road shortly after on your left and runs past fields and a stream... I don't have the Grid Refs to hand although they should be etched on my mind as I was stuck there for over 60 hours...
Haha reckon it would have been like that near ely if it had been wet!

Got in tonight to find a massive parcel woop! :D:D Some items missing and some random stuff too but most of it is there :doh: Thanks Mr John Craddock :lol::lol:
Haha reckon it would have been like that near ely if it had been wet!

That lane looked nothing, but it was the slipperiest mud I think I've ever driven on, just eased around the corner barely moving and slid sideways into the ditch, which was full of old logs which managed to wedge themselves under the chassis. A nightmare to get out. I could still move forwards and backwards, but couldn't get back up the slope.
hey all!

Long time no speak, sorry for the quiet patch, work got mega busy and been going thru some **** at home etc...

Anyway, slowly getting life back on track (No pun intended looking at previous pictures) and look forward to being a bit more active again!
hey all!

Long time no speak, sorry for the quiet patch, work got mega busy and been going thru some **** at home etc...

Anyway, slowly getting life back on track (No pun intended looking at previous pictures) and look forward to being a bit more active again!

And buying a landy? :rolleyes::rolleyes::doh:

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