Nope Handbrake end are longer to allow for thickness of the drum.

I bloody know that now! :doh:

I thought prop bolts were a standard length! I have some here for my disco but I guess its a bit of a long way from you. Just waiting for offroader84 to let me know he's back for me to nip across to ware direction though so could drop them off at the same time if you are stuck!

BTW... me phone is non functional at the moment: It seems they do tend to get a little antsy when one lands on them!:doh: Until I get another phone probably best to PM me on here!

Cheers Ryder, I think I'm Still closer to you that Ware, I shall head out at lunchtime tomorrow, thank god for the light evenings, and hope it just stays dry!
Hey guys... anyone got an old O2 phone layin around that I could nick for a week or two... mine has gone tits up and looks like the replacement might take a few days to get here.
I may have many a O2 phone laying about, shall dig one out, Will be out your neck of the woods thursday morn if thats not too late?
Sounds bloody good to me! Where's that Offroader chappie gone? Still hopinh to pick up a steering box n stuff from him as soon as it is possible to do so.
Still hoping this end. Really keen to go but with the bills mounting up and so little money coming in it might be a bit tight. Still have to get the bearings for the front and the steering damper too - and power steering...still I have the slave...(errr sorry... son) and i know he will help with anything he can.
I just have my fingers crossed so tight for my mot tomorrow. Been trying to wire up my diesel heater today but i have no instructions and its ridiculously complicated! Might have to do wales without it (if it gets there)! 2nd time i come to use this compressor and it wont switch on... fantastic lol!

Sorry Ryder never been on 02 before
Still hoping this end. Really keen to go but with the bills mounting up and so little money coming in it might be a bit tight.

Same here.... might have to bail on this one unless i get a huge overtime package this month!!

It'll be a decide the day before for me i think....
Apparently the MOT tester I used could not perform his checks due to there being some mud on the underside of the landy. He didn't spot any of the faults I knew where there and were nowhere near any mud but he managed to find others. I have not had a great day. Might not be able to do Wales. I'm so annoyed and frustrated. Can anyone help me with my brakes which apparently need work to pass the MOT any time soon? I a useless mechanic :(
I just have my fingers crossed so tight for my mot tomorrow. Been trying to wire up my diesel heater today but i have no instructions and its ridiculously complicated! Might have to do wales without it (if it gets there)! 2nd time i come to use this compressor and it wont switch on... fantastic lol!

Sorry Ryder never been on 02 before

Diesel heaters are for pussies! Try sleeping up Mont Blanc In December with a non working diesel, all me fluids froze up in the cab! :eek:
On a better note, I hope you get it sorted out for next week. If i had some spare time not hurredly trying to get mine sorted for Wales i would offer a hand. Glad to be having lighter evenings though, can get stuff done after work.

Ryder, Can you PM me your address and i shall try and dig a phone out for you and drop it to you in the morning. Also when are you free after easter to pop over to Ely and have a chat with my transport manager about vehicle tracking?
Apparently the MOT tester I used could not perform his checks due to there being some mud on the underside of the landy. He didn't spot any of the faults I knew where there and were nowhere near any mud but he managed to find others. I have not had a great day. Might not be able to do Wales. I'm so annoyed and frustrated. Can anyone help me with my brakes which apparently need work to pass the MOT any time soon? I a useless mechanic :(

I would offer, but my workshops in Caple Surrey. I would think a bit out of your way to make worth while.
Jack what did it fail on exactly? brake efficiency? have you got any hub seals leaking oil on your disks?? give me a ring tomorrow if I don't answer or hang up keep trying its justt I'd have had to take a work call
Thanks Kris, you never know i may be in touch. What I am finding is its better to travel to someone you can trust rather than take it any old place and end up like this.

I asked the garage to do a pre mot check to see if anything would fail it. Instead they took it to an MOT tester who did a tiny bit and decided to give up and they still charged me a whole £48 "The vehicle or any part or equipment on the vehicle is so dirty that examination is unreasonably difficult." Complete nonsense, they only say it cause they want me to go clean it for them and bring it back and pay another £48 so it can fail and go in for repair work. the tester has obviously not checked anything without a tiny bit of mud on, I know for a fact my exhaust pipe was not attached and sealed up properly and i had left the fuse box open which was completely untouched. 4 things I was told caused it to fail were "N/S/F Hub excessive play", "OSF Brake pipe corroded", "Front to rear brake pipe corroded" and "Excessive brake pedal travel". I have no idea how little he actually checked. It sounds as if he just did brakes first and gave up. I have not had a look at the brake pipes yet, but I'm afraid to fiddle with them myself as it is so vital that they work reliably!
I don't think there are leaks at the discs but I will have a look again tomorrow. I think it will fail on a leaky power steering system and the fuel tank seems to be leaking a little too which is obviously not good news...

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