cheers guys
Rob where were you sitting? I never got to chat to you..

Other end of Table from where Jai was near the Bar I did come down the other end nearer the end of the evening, and introduce myself
I was talking to I think spyder, jai and spitfire1 about front recovery point and bumpers.

I'm gonna get to some more meets at the pub then once got the motor on some decent tyres sorted (just waiting for an important bill to go then i can spend lol) then i'll be out on the lanes with you all
Funny you should say that a guy at work did that to an MX5 (not to offroad) Lowerd the suspension and then put taller went up one size on the tyres?????????

could never work that out
cheers for the offers lads, but my welding skills are not much good.

ryder- you got a new motor then?
Hey dave.... yeah we traded the V8 for a 200 tdi... V8s are lovely but if I can not afford to fill the bugger up then I'm wasting me time... bought a diesel with more rust than metal.... hoping that the welder and the boy will fix that little problem in no time ;)
Dunno if i told you guys about this dog guard I picked up a few weeks back ? A previous owner actually cut part of the rear bulkhead (behind seats) out so he could tilt his seat back a bit further, and thats just where the mount for the bloomin dog guard fixes .... How do you reckon I could fit a new bit of metal in there? I assume I should use aluminium and paint it, but should I bolt it in or weld? Decisions decisions... you guys got any sorta opinion?
Dunno if i told you guys about this dog guard I picked up a few weeks back ? A previous owner actually cut part of the rear bulkhead (behind seats) out so he could tilt his seat back a bit further, and thats just where the mount for the bloomin dog guard fixes .... How do you reckon I could fit a new bit of metal in there? I assume I should use aluminium and paint it, but should I bolt it in or weld? Decisions decisions... you guys got any sorta opinion?

I'm not sure of the bit you're talking about, but if it dosent need to come out again you can pop riviet some ali in place. Welding ali is a bit of a specalist job. Dont forget if you're painting bare ali - etch prime it first or the paint will peel off.
I'm not sure of the bit you're talking about, but if it dosent need to come out again you can pop riviet some ali in place. Welding ali is a bit of a specalist job. Dont forget if you're painting bare ali - etch prime it first or the paint will peel off.

Oh thanks mate, you wouldn't have a rear bulkhead in a sw, this is what they are meant to look like:

Well... couple of toerags got interupted trying to break into my disco last night... my neighbour , a copper, spotted them and called it in - walked up to the lads while they were nosing into the motor and asked whether he could help them... they legged it and got the dog unit and the helicopter after them for their troubles!

Irony.... Haven't yet fitted the tracker and alarm into the new motor so I guess that just went way up the priority list!

Anyhow... waiting for SOCO; don't suppose it will do any good but if the buggers ARE nicked it will do for comparison.

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