Does anybody else have a problem with their face, vehicle or number plate being shown driving/stopped legally on a public byway?

If so let me know and I'll make a list and never post a picture.

Cheers for the pic Spyder, I don't mind, you managed to hide my number plate.:)
BTW. I went and drove the lane just outside berko as you enter the woods. The one by Urbandeekay if you know the one I mean.

Half way down there are a few ruts... nothing major but I spotted something floating in the water the rut contained.

Turned out it was a 6inch length of wood with nails and screws left in the rut.... and it was not alone. I pulled out two or three and eventually straddled the ruts just to be safe.

So the message for anyone perusing this lane is be careful some silly ****er's trying to have a giggle at our expense.
Ash... search the net for royalty free music. There is a lot for download. Use that with your video and then in the description say where the music came from. Lots of artists are using royalty free music to get their work heard. That's what I do.

Thanks mate will try that for the next ones.

How is it going with the new disco. :)
BTW. I went and drove the lane just outside berko as you enter the woods. The one by Urbandeekay if you know the one I mean.

Half way down there are a few ruts... nothing major but I spotted something floating in the water the rut contained.

Turned out it was a 6inch length of wood with nails and screws left in the rut.... and it was not alone. I pulled out two or three and eventually straddled the ruts just to be safe.

So the message for anyone perusing this lane is be careful some silly ****er's trying to have a giggle at our expense.
Sounds like thats happening in other places been mentioned on the Herts club fourm, I'll see if that mention what lane it was on

Just checked no locatsjust says some spikes in wood are beenplaced in waterfilled ruts was posted on the Disco Owners Fourm
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Sounds like thats happening in other places been mentioned on the Herts club fourm, I'll see if that mention what lane it was on

Just checked no locatsjust says some spikes in wood are beenplaced in waterfilled ruts was posted on the Disco Owners Fourm
Normally placed by the Antis, nothing new. We just get punctures, think what it'd do to a horse, could end up killing somebody. Stupid prats.
Normally placed by the Antis, nothing new. We just get punctures, think what it'd do to a horse, could end up killing somebody. Stupid prats.


There was a similar thing on another forum I'm on, residents placing screws on the road with expanding foam to try an stop street racers... Except it killed a couple of innocent motorists instead!!
Evening all.

HAppy birthday Jack! (just)

Had a run in with the bobble hat bregade over the weekend, was outside working on the car and a group of about 30 came walking by. I like on a Private Estate, Sign posted clearly that is is so at all the entrances on to the estate, so i asked them where they thought they were going. The answer i got back was what has it go to do with you, Very rude i though, so i told them that there were on a private estate and that if they didn't leave imediatly i would take names and addresses and have them done for trasspassing. They soon buggered off from the direction they came in.
We need a Section 59 for waliking and repeat offenders will be crushed :D
Thanks b3aker mate, you going to pub meet so I can give you your gear back? I noticed your siggy now says Skoda in it.. I take it you went for it? :D Any piccies? :D
I'm not going to make it to the pub meet for a couple of months, Prety much away soliday till mid April now.
Hi Ryder.

Ref your piece of wood with nails etc.

Take the offending article to the police station with the exact location of where it was found.

You must make it official and make a written complaint. You MUST get a crime number to go with this and dont settle for anything less.

It is obvious this was deliberate.

Not only would this be deliberate criminal damage to a couple of tyres. (BTW it has been known for 5 vehicle to receive 8 punctures in previous years due to this kind of thing) at the same location, thunderbirds were launched with extra spare tyres to solve the situation)
Horses could be maimed for life and may have to be put down should they step on it and also any walkers who dont have decent boots would be hospitalized with the real possibility of infection making serious complications.

Dont just tell, shout like hell and ring the bell!

Despite there self indulgent, self important attitude these people are real vandals and in my book are no better than vietcong setting punji traps for the unwary.

What if your own kids went for a splash in the ruts with soft welly bots on! How mello would you be then? (Might be a good angle to take as your main complaint???)

It might not be the "british" thing to do but make a genuine thing of it and the police will at least have to acknowledge the situation and make at least some enquiries to keep the detection rate and crimes solved inside their own "targets" that all police forces have to publish.

Push for an official comlaint and a crime number for this event.

It really does work but it will take time.
might be worth posting this on other user group forums aswell and get the word out as a warning to others

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