Because a disclaimer is worthless really. Just by running an event or even putting an event meeting point on here could cause trouble. Hey I'm not trying to **** people off we all go on greenlane trips enjoy ourselves but i'm just sayin' that if we are t o do a fund raising thing the best way would be to run it through a fully insured and sorted club beit Anglian or any willing club it just means £20 or £30 (some clubs) to get covered
I like the way things are now we just say hey i'm going here who fancies coming?

Thats great!

iF people want to organize treasure huns, charity raising event or anything else people on here have had an interest in then really the only propper and legal way is to do it through a club or pay for cover. I'd rarther not have the hassel ourselves but will talk to our club about holding a charity event because i think it'd be a great way of helping out.

The thing with greenlaners since year dot is nobody wants to be part of a club group and thats great hell i'm no supporter of many greenlane friendly clubs organisations been there wasted my membership fee etc. Which is great if all we do is green lane outings. The problems come when you try and hold an organised event some people will argue that even inviting people on a forum is holding an event.

An idea put forward was to hold a charity treasure hunt well i'm up for it but i will need cover to do it properly another idea of many was to take sick kids & families around a offroad site compromising different tasks which the families got involved in. This again defo needs cover and experienced drivers and run in accordance with kids security checks etc to msa guidelines. can you imagine somone getting a jarrd back from poor driving/ recovery with a strop or if a numpty turns up and rolls his motor trying to show off with other peoples family in there. This is all an idea i would like to do somthing like the above and the only way is to go through a club with propper cover. Its hassel its a pain and its the nanny state we live agreed but the charity will not entertain help unless all of that is in place.

So i'm not saying we should form a club nor all go out and join one just that if we wish to do things for others like charity work, driverounds and comps the only sensible step forward and its for us to enjoy the fun driving days treasure hunts charity events trials etc is to be part of a club with msa cover.

As a group we are strong and have a right old laugh and have done for years nothing should change! We must resign ourselves to being limitedto what we can do as a group of like minded friends.
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Motor Insurance should cover motors but many state in T&C's greenlaning is not covered. I was reall thinking that if a few of us wanted to do more than a green lane outing. As to date everyone's been sensible everyone has had a laugh and nothing has or is likley to go wrong as we are quite sensible tbh jus greenlaning.

For Instance I or anyone here could book a local site to use for a comp/driveround for around £150 quid a weekend but none of us could take part unless we were a member of a club that had cover. Obviously we could do it but I guarantee some numpty will hurt themselves its happened in the past. Can you imagine letting some people loose at Roundhill woods? They do let people loose at Roundhill woods for punch events but they have to have insurance cover. At the very least you would have a full on recovery situation that would take half the day to extract said Numpty from a bimb hole that would swallow a tank. Nobody wants to wast their day doing that when there is a whole site to explore.
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Ok.. lets bring this conversation around full circle. What are the objections to actually establishing a club?
Jai, I'm not sure about driving events specifically, but I do know that if you organise an event for one of the major charities (BHF, Cancer Research, Oxfam etc) they can and do provide any cover required. You have to promise to raise enough money to cover thier costs plus enough to make it worth thier while. It might be worth contacting one of them, the big ones have departments for this sort of thing.
Organisation takes a lot of time and costs money. I would be happy do my fair share at the end of the day though, if it means we can raise money for charity and maybe help give landy owners a better name for themselves it could be well worth it. I don't really see it as my decision however, as I am still one of the newest members and haven't even met everyone who posts here! We could, like Jai suggested all join a club, but we won't have so much control over what and when we do events and trips. If we do it ourselves we also cut out the middleman. If it is for a good cause then it has to be worth it surely? Just think if a news program like Look East makes a story about the good we are doing a few of the public may change their views on our 'big, fat, smelly, old, slow vehicles that are a waste of space on the roads and are bad for the environment'. I helped a woman with an x3 the other day after she didn't know how to use compressor at a garage. At first i could see her face as I pulled up beside to use it myself, but when I offered help and showed her how to do it she even smiled and said thank you! Most of them will change their minds about you if they see you doing good.
I helped a woman with an x3 the other day after she didn't know how to use compressor at a garage. At first i could see her face as I pulled up beside to use it myself, but when I offered help and showed her how to do it she even smiled and said thank you!
Did you get a shag out it though?
i'm against us becoming a club I believe none of us have enough time to give a new club. Also we need to pay money to the club and have at least 25 members before the msa will consider us worthy. I don't think we should start a club when there are plenty of local clubs in our area already setup and running. Looking a bit deeper anglianlrc are a damn good club i've been a member of many clubs and its the least clicky and have their roots deep in LR comps and local. There are others with their own merits and problems.

Event cover you need to earn lots before they will cover you and motorsports have very strict rules n regs. Would need to look into it deeper.
as for events if we want an event and can gurantee x ammount of entrantsI can see no problem doing anything we want that as long as somone is willing to be clerk of the course/ organizing persons run to MSA and club rules it should be ok.
I have a good LT77 V8 Gearbox for sale if anyone need one I brought the box for the Transfer box as it has a home already but the box will go on the shelf to be sold later if anyone needs one.
I woulda but I had to get back pretty sharpish, Not achieved much today stereo wiring was a biatch and after I wired it nice and neatly the boloody stereo didn't work!

My old spare stereo didn't work was just one of those days! On the plus side I did get a new airbox for the 90 so I can run a decent sized air filter capable of handling the sands of North Africa (one day) opposed to my poxy lil K & N jobbie thats needs changing as it hasnt been cleaned for a long time!
Did you get a shag out it though?

Thought someone might say something like that.. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


are you suggesting LRJ uses a food delivery vehicle for fluid exchange?

I do deliver to some rather nice young students some times :D:D tis very tempting when they ask you in for a cup of tea sometimes haha!!! ;);) This time, however i was in the landy, or else how would the story have made sense?

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