if i get the beast back from repair man by friday was thinking this sat or sun
most probably sat - will need to measure width of my vehicle as there is a width restriction and the boys in the know say 6' 2"
have been out on some runs around ardeley and datchworth and one in wheathampstead which were all good
went down a small lane near wheathampstead - it is designated as a boat - however in several sections fallen trees resting across the hedges nearly stopped me. can i legally take a chain saw to them thereby saving the county council having to do it?
went down a small lane near wheathampstead - it is designated as a boat - however in several sections fallen trees resting across the hedges nearly stopped me. can i legally take a chain saw to them thereby saving the county council having to do it?

Doubt it as it isn't your land or your trees but up to you?
Afternoon all.

A bow saw comes in bloody handy in thosse situations, bit quieter and more descreet than a chain saw. more effort needed though.

Just had a Clear out of the back of the landy, Jai I belive i have your torch. I seem to be missing a few shackles, I know Jack has a few bit of mine but not totally sure what.

Jai The tyres look to have about 9mm of tread left on them, need to get a tread depth gauge to be more acurate.
I only have a lonely 1T shackle.
I recon I'm missing
2X 5 or 6T bow shackles
4X 3.5T Bow Shackles
And a couple of 1T's

Doesn't matter if I don't get them all back, Need to order some new ones. Going to try and get a snach block also.

ill check my chain.think that had a shackle on it after we broke mine.

also phoned andy and told him to dig out the rollers.......hes old so ill pester him.
if i get the beast back from repair man by friday was thinking this sat or sun
most probably sat - will need to measure width of my vehicle as there is a width restriction and the boys in the know say 6' 2"
have been out on some runs around ardeley and datchworth and one in wheathampstead which were all good

Ken, can do a few hours on Saturday, let me know when you get the beast back.

Jai, I can do the odd evening as well (can skive off early some days too).

Been bitten by the off road bug so up for most trips.:)

Have been looking at the map and looks like theres a few lanes east of Baldock, anyone know if they're worth a go?

Just seen Spyder is out this w/end too shall we start a list?
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I should be up for an outing this weekend, or one evening this week, hoping the weather stays nice for the rest of the week, Got shed loads of stuff to do.
went down a small lane near wheathampstead - it is designated as a boat - however in several sections fallen trees resting across the hedges nearly stopped me. can i legally take a chain saw to them thereby saving the county council having to do it?

There's a good lane near the Crooked Chimney PH.

You can't use a Chainsaw in a public place without a licence. Bow Saw is fine.
B3aker , I have 1 large shackle 1 small (cant remember strengths) a hammer and hilift top. I think that's all. I don't really know where you live, only that I'm closer than most? I am halfway between Royston and Cambridge.

Not sure I can afford much more laning until next month. Can't wait for your vids and piccies dave! Particularly one which you took for BoB ;);)

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