i need to swap a tranny box b4 Wales its gonna be a long drive at 45mph. Saying that i liked the last weekend away as there was no pressure to get anywhere at a set time just roll up and camp was all good!
this time tho my beer will be fresh! That old beer screwed me propper on the 2nd day and screweys swig or 2 of monkeys elbow helped. I think we were all dead on the second day anyhow.
i need to swap a tranny box b4 Wales its gonna be a long drive at 45mph. Saying that i liked the last weekend away as there was no pressure to get anywhere at a set time just roll up and camp was all good!

Last trip had a really good atmosphere. The only issue with rocking up to a campsite will be It's half term week and a bank holiday weekend, so could be bloody busy.

Sounds like there's a fair few up for it so we could have a couple of groups.

I didn't mind sitting at 45mph, I got cracking fuel economy, was barely touching the loud pedal in 5th gear. Only used 1/4 of a tank all weekend. :D
this time tho my beer will be fresh! That old beer screwed me propper on the 2nd day and screweys swig or 2 of monkeys elbow helped. I think we were all dead on the second day anyhow.

Fresh beer would be a bonus.

I've never done so many lanes one after the other, i think we managed to achive a higher percentage of lanes than tarmac roads for the weekend.
Yeah 45 sounds good to me too or it will be a very expensive week/end in the v8 hope they have a fuel station ever 100 yards lol
Your MPG was fantastic. I was filling up more often than a V8!

Good atmosphere, beer and booger ****ed trying to get into his 90!
so Norf Wales I may have'to do a Booger and build a bed in the 90 or find somwhere dry to mock up roof tent MK2 cos my shed is er dripping wet constantly! Roof tent mk1 had its day and shoulda been retired years ago! I'll draw up the hinges tomorra at lunch see if I can get some progress on it.
45 is OK, but 50 is better. Busy tonight on here chaps. I hate tents.

Got my letter of commendation from Bedfordshire Police.:D

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