Is any1 coming to get this box and tranny 2day and what sort of time were you thinking? Need it gone as it's on the front drive and scrap boys keep looking at it as they drive passed.
ref Spydermans ski/snow report.

Your experience is the reason the last 3 times a group of us travelled to Chamonix we used rovers.

At least you can be masters of your own destiny!

Tip 1. When the map shows a track over the mountains and it crosses a few pistes. You probably cant drive to Italy using this track in a couple of hours!
Tip 2. When you cant see the bump in the snow where your landy used to be. It is probably too deep to drive to the shops!

Aint the deep fresh snow grand though? Carving on a board where no man has carved before knee deep from top to bottom.

I want to go boarding now!

What are you doing for your battery situation? I was told 2x these :

Numax CXV-X 1000 Amp - Leisure Batteries - Numax Leisure Batteries

fit the defender seat box. I am going to do the Tmax split charge system as its all there my batterys are Fubared currently been on trickle charge for about 3 days and nights only 12.8 Volts. Wont crank over for very long mabe 2 or 3 times and then no power!.

Also need to sort out this fridge and all my wiring to the second battery for camping. I really enjoyed the last outing (Booger made my day trying to get into his new bed while slightly under the influence)!

Woo Loads to do lots of fun!

I Have just installed 1x of the above, well i got the 110ah one, I think i can shoe horn one more into the battery box with a split charge.

I also need to look at getting all that sorted too, but the main thing for me at the moment is reliability, get that sorted first, nearly there i think.

Need to sort all my aux electrics out, lots to do just lacking the time to do it. Works quiet now so actually at home for a while, Its just a bit bloody cold and end up running out of light in the evening.

I think we shall have to plan another couple of weekends away and depending on how they go head off on a longer trip, Into france or Ireland maybe.

Will tomorrow after work be o for you I'll grab Ryder if he is about to give us a hand lifting and splitting the boxes ready for ashcroft if they accept it.

hi Sibble,
cheers for the gearbox. Its a 50a serial number box. Cheers again p.s I like those wheels! would buy them if they were for sale! Jai

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