Well there is snow on the ground but bugger all really. Just drove to work in the Passat although in limp mode it really sucks in the snow/ice. Also Noted a couple of cocks in Disco's this morning around Dunstable at silly o'clock. No wonder some people hate 4x4 drivers. I had to steer around one of em as he pulled out of the petrol station and didn't go anywhere cos he was spinning up one front wheel! :doh: Twot!

Another disco stamping on the brakes behind me nearly took me out aswell he stopped sideeways against the kerb on his NS wheel the scared look on the drivers face was priceless. Lucky for their insurance I left loads of room in front of me.

Anyway who's out playing in the snow then?

Not allowed out to play, I got that work thing to do!! Was quiet this morning at 6:35 not a lot about. Did have to do just one little powerslide in the car park though.

Doesn't look like the snow is going to amount to much this time round, but who knows, perhaps we'll have some better accumulations as we get in to January and February.
Wednesday Night is Pub night. In Dunstable at the white lion located on Chalk Hill.

Everyone welcome! The xmas meal is the 10th of December. Bring yourself and the other trouble maker Iwanna90 you two seem to be upsetting poor Minty alot latley!
What's the score if we just turn up for the meal? I don't want to commit because I don't know what money will be like even now but if it is possible I would like for me and Kai to be there. Simply wont know until the last minute
I'm not going to make it this evening, Stuck in Berlin at the moment, Thankfully have the Snow Chains for the Truck though :D
I recall someone saying my tracking was out last time we went out, well it was, 7.5mm on the left and 3.5mm on the right. Apparently that's not good!!!

Hope all is well with everyone.
Doubt I'll make it tonight, have a good time though :p

Anyone happen to have any tubeless rims (16") kicking around? The rims i bought for 99p on ebay a while back are tubed type and id rather have my set of mud tyres without tubes since I've not been able to find many places that will touch them otherwise!

Stuck at Geneva since yesterday, airport closed, 50cm of snow so far and still dumping, worst storm in 25 years. Might get out on a flight tomorrow if all goes well.
Stuck at Geneva since yesterday, airport closed, 50cm of snow so far and still dumping, worst storm in 25 years. Might get out on a flight tomorrow if all goes well.

You might get a flight but landing could be a problem:eek: Apparently there's been a bit of snow so the U.K. is shut!
GVA is closed till 6.00am, managed to get a flight to Luton, as GTW is and probably will be still closed. Just stopped snowing here, worst storm to hit Geneva in 25 years, about 60cm so far now.
Camp bed in one of the meeting rooms again tonight, but at least the airport are putting on a free pasta night in the Italian restaurant. Free food and beer vouchers courtesy of Easyjet which is keeping us going.
u ok to get from luton home.got the starlett tomoz for dropping my heads at recon.could be there 9am ish...
Yes, thanks mate, but I'm only a short taxi ride away. Plenty of cars at home, I'll dump my stuff and get the train to Gatwick to get my car back, it's all kitted up with winter tyres and snow chains if I need them.

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