Ah I seeeee.

I need to go buy some maps :-( or sort out a lap top with memory map asap.

Jamie... we have memory map on a couple of machines here. You're welcome to come over one evening and we could plan out a route together - completely up to you mate. Printer works too so we could even dump a few to paper.
Hello all, I have route on the laptop that i can send as a track to you Jai if you can find a computer with memory map, That is if i ever find a blasted Internet connection, Getting tedious surfing on the blackberry.

As for Sweden, Could always do Norway. Been having a look on the HUBB when i was home last. I'm out here till the 3rd so i shall miss the pub meet. Will have to arrange a time to pop and see you Jai to organize things.

Oh and on another note, Swedish wimmins are nicer and more accommodating than the pub waitress. :D:D:D:D

We Should have the "Herts Lanes Chippie Run." Or Is the title "Chippie Run" Copy righted?

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