I heared a roumour a while back now thet they sacked somone that was fecking up the gearboxes big stylee. That was a couple of years ago now but its just a few too many bad ones in the area to not be a problem. I mean it doesn't help Phil or myself when our boxes have gone kaput my £450 box is sitting in a bucket awaiting a rebuild after 6K miles max and 13 months. Phil will no doubt skip his g box or get it rebuilt by ashcroft.

Dunno mabe they will be nice to him and replace it or fix it at cost but we will see.
I heared a roumour a while back now thet they sacked somone that was fecking up the gearboxes big stylee. That was a couple of years ago now but its just a few too many bad ones in the area to not be a problem. I mean it doesn't help Phil or myself when our boxes have gone kaput my £450 box is sitting in a bucket awaiting a rebuild after 6K miles max and 13 months. Phil will no doubt skip his g box or get it rebuilt by ashcroft.

Dunno mabe they will be nice to him and replace it or fix it at cost but we will see.

Sounds like he is ready to flog the defender and get a Skoda!
Jai there is an Ashcroft Gearbox thread in the General Chat section, I think MHM was bored and wanted to start another Rukus :D Anyway you might want to contribute/Phil might too ;)
Jai there is an Ashcroft Gearbox thread in the General Chat section, I think MHM was bored and wanted to start another Rukus :D Anyway you might want to contribute/Phil might too ;)

Cheeky pup!

I werent bored - just thought it might be useful to get the comments under one roof, so to speak.

As it happens, they have had the courtesy to reply, which is more that Britpart and some others. :rolleyes:

Whether that is satisfactory, tiz not for me to decide.
Ref Spiderman and his comment about the original design being a problem.

The only issue with the original 77 boxes was the 2nd gear synchro. And owners not changing the oil and/or using the wrong stuff. Poor servicing was the number 1 issue. You must change the oil every year or 12000 miles!!! I know that scares most landy owners but take care of your machinery and it will take care of you.

R380 output shaft was made in germany and a change in hardening techinique meant the shaft was toffee. These let go within the 12 month warranty and although older 77 boxes have the problem it was not as bad.

I pulled out my old 77 box with over 100k on it and the shaft was fine! And I do mean, as new.

Ashcroft has to make a business decision when rebuilding a box. Each item is inspected and the question, Is it servicable? If the answer is yes then you get the old stuff back in except for new synchros, brgs, seals, shims and gaskets.

There have been many company's rebuilding these boxes and many are worse. Some have gone bust. Yes I have some issues but when asked where else would I go? I dont have an answer.

They are selling brand new r380, long stick short bellhousings for around the 1000 mark if you are willing to pay.
well if Phil gets his box looked at it would be nice. Mine is stripped and I don't really expect them to do anything as its so long ago but mabe the fault may help them date problems that they may have or haven't had. I was most ****ed at the time for sure. And being skint and the landy my daily drive really screwed me over for a while but Hey Ho! Probably like what Phil is feeling now as you don't expect it to go wrong so soon. If he gets a help then thats great. Ashcroft have always been good upto the faulty box/issues I had. I'm a bit paranoid about boxes now Spitfire will tell you after a trip to a comp last year I smelt the oil after a motorway trip and changed It after I got home ready for the next days trialling can't of covered more than 3K miles max the oil in my current box before I changed it.

Hey might do this comp on Sunday on my 900 XL's just hope the gates arn't too tight and there isn't any side slopes cos we all know how much grip they have sideways, Feck all!!
having a look Saturday evening. All depends on condition overall dia and cost theyre technically not tractor type but almost. Might do somthing with Phil's 750 SATs/SAGs As he loves them so much. All depends on Saturday eve I'm going to be a busy boy this Weekend!

Hey might do this comp on Sunday on my 900 XL's just hope the gates arn't too tight and there isn't any side slopes cos we all know how much grip they have sideways, Feck all!!

Jai, do you think it would be OK to come along on Sunday as a spectator? I do not have a fire extinguisher so would not be able to take part.
don't see why not u might get roped into marshalling its with BHCLRC not trialled with them for a couple of years last time we laid out for them was over a year ago.
If you wanted to take part you will heve to join up first and get a fire extinguisher etc sorted. I have a spare one if you did decide to go for it.
On last weekend's laning trip I met some guys that had not heard of car stuck girls.... So.....










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