Hi Mr V, i'm not sure i get this thing with your head. If you've had it skimmed at a engineering shop it will be flat and if it was that warped that it was beyond being skimmed then they should have told you instead of wasting your time and money. Are you sure you haven't missed something?
from what dave has said the head was good but he got it skimmed anyway. Its now distorted because he fitted a dowl locating pin that wasn too long preveemmting the mating faces to mate and by torqing down the head deformed it. Or have i got this wrong?
from what dave has said the head was good but he got it skimmed anyway. Its now distorted because he fitted a dowl locating pin that was too long preventing the mating faces to mate and by torqing down the head deformed it. Or have i got this wrong?

Yes Jai, this is my assumption. When turning it over, it's as if there is no head attached. No compression resistance from any of the cylinders. I'm mighty fekked orf to be honest. Something that should have been so simple has turned into something so fking annoying.... And getting more expensive...
you did put the valves back in disn't you Lol only joking i dunno what you can do rip it off and ave a look see whats goin on see if the gasket has been compressed evenly or not.
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looking forward to next saturday guys, first time i have been out with you lot in a while! be good to catch up. i won't be in my motor, will be shotgun with someone else, but oh well, be good to see some friendly faces!
you did put the valves back in disn't you Lol only joking i dunno what you can do rip it off and ave a look see whats goin on see if the gasket has been compressed evenly or not.

Feel like throwing it away to be honest. Gonna wait a month before i do anything about it, otherwise irrational arguement will make the decisions for me...
Has anyone scouted out a new pub meet for Wednesday?
White Lion (Chalk Hill, N. Dunstable) seems like a good possibility to me, large carpark, newly refurbed.
Any thoughts?
Ok, Just been out on a little recce of the Grafham lanes, some of them Have temporary TRO's on them for "repairs" I know one of the lanes got closed early last year, Not sure of the reason why, But there was no damage to the lane, and The CCC website says that it is still seasonal, so who knows! Just thought i'd let you know So that you can formulate a plan for the 8th. I shall Pop out tomorrow and see what others are open and what ones are not and report to you all at the pub meet on Wednesday.
Ok guys... pub meet this coming wednesday... I am suggesting the Pckhorse on the A5 just south of dunstable.... would this be ok?
If we can get a definate location then I will forward details to the club somone might be able to come along and bring some club info/event details. Jai

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