Sorry.. hadn't read the extra posts... OKAY for the 12th at Graffham but if anyone is up for a few next Saturday, that would be good too.
spyderman can't do this weekend, however if your free this weekend i could do with getting in some practice before graffam, so i'm about!!
After 12 may be a little late in the day. Why don't you take our phone number and meet up with us up there once you are up and about?
to be honest fella sleep is over rated in my line of work so i'll be ok, just was a preferance,
so im up for this weekend and the 12th
Hi Chris, sounds like you had a really good day Saturday, hope to get out on the lanes again with you soon, but Saturdays are never that good for me as i have to work in the mornings, unless your up for doing afternoons and evenings. Are you buying a Disco now?
Just been looking at the photos, brilliant!!

If you guys going out this Saturday I could probably play for a bit in the morning but have stuff to do in the afternoon. Play it by ear.

Second that, Good Pics!, Don't know what the antis would say about the disco in the ditch though. I can't do next Saturday as work is paying for a lads weekend away in Nottingham free hotel, archery and quadbiking, plus a couple of hundred quid each for beer and food ect. I can't bring myself to say no to it really, so I'm not about next weekend at all.

I will be at the Pub meet Wednesday though, everyone welcome! Just turn up say hello. You could use it to sort out the next few weekends, thats what the meetings for. Plus I think Luke and the Rangie boys are up for doing somthing too. Good one with the Pics Ryder really cool! Jai
Hey on the subject of lost stuff anyone got my ali cased torch that used to be mounted on my dashboard??? I'm sure we had it at the overnighter at some point??

Great pics Ryder .

Ok count us in for the 12th , that gives me time to recover lol .
Wow i learnt so much from you all .

Cant wait for the 12th . Just let me know when and where .


Grrrrrr another week at work ............... Oh well . lol
Cheers guys had a real good day out,

Thanks again to Spyderman for the navigation.

I’m gutted we had to leave and miss the Disco going in the ditch.
Could someone also PM the address of this Pub for Wednesday.

Well had a grate day and am free nearly every Saturday so if anyone does want to go out this weekend let me know :)
remember guys and gals the billing landrover show on the weekend of the 19th very cheap second hand bits and bobs mabe we could leave early and do some lanes on the way there or on the way back just an idea Jai
ui cant go to billing :-( was really looking forward to it then work told me i couldnt have it off :-(

going to LRO in peterborough in september though!

Glenn, drop me a txt im off this saturday, think ryder might join us too :)
Yesp.. the rumours are right... there is a disco on the horizon. Just need to raise a few quid more and its mine!

Now... about these road tyres.

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