i went through standon ford saturday night and seemed much deeper then went through furneux pelham which was mainly gravel hardly any water
Hmmmmmm that sounds a bit like when Kai says to me "I didn't actually break it Dad... I showed it the ratchet and it just SNAPPED!!!! Honest!"
Forgive me if I seem to be enjoying this...it's because I am!

Finally... someone who can take over the mantle of "Numpty went it alone and ****ed up!"

I tell you Lee... you are on course for the award come Christmas!
Forgive me if I seem to be enjoying this...it's because I am!

Finally... someone who can take over the mantle of "Numpty went it alone and ****ed up!"

I tell you Lee... you are on course for the award come Christmas!
Don't worry Ryder it's only March, you've still got 9 months to keep your title.;)
it wasn't me it was the disco honest lol,well i have learnt my lesson now so nothing like that will be happening again trust me.
West Street perhaps... I would have just picked up the kids from and school and was off to Steppingly for a kick around
West Street perhaps... I would have just picked up the kids from and school and was off to Steppingly for a kick around

That'll be the one then! I'd just been for a spin around the downs on the bike taking advantage of the weather :)
Going to collect the second car on Saturday, which means the Disco won't be the daily driver anymore, which means I can get out and do some laning again soon :D
Ok guys need to get some dosh up to make space room and clear my bank balance so offered below is what I have sorry for the spam:

205 R16 wheels and tyres, some good nick RR alloys and some disco steel's all with good tread various with patterns £15 quid each,

88 inch cut down RR chassis believe to be ARC legal, with Rover V8 EFI £300.

Transfer box LT230 1:1.00 RR V8 £60,

Transfer box Borg Warner viscious coupling which is working not seized £85,

Disco gearbox spline wear on output shaft otherwisee GWO £20,

RR classic 5 speed gearbox £100,

Any other obscure bits I find or I have that somone wants just ask Jai
Just came across this photo, refers to a story Spydie was telling in the pub last time!

Caption should read...

"so why did you drive into a ditch?"

"Just wanted to see what ite felt like..."

"Yeah but it's a ditch..."

"Yeah but it's muddy :)"

Last edited:
The conversation continued:

"But you're on road tyres and you don't have any recovery points, how the **** am I supposed to get you out of it, you prat?"
Ok guys need to get some dosh up to make space room and clear my bank balance so offered below is what I have sorry for the spam:

205 R16 wheels and tyres, some good nick RR alloys and some disco steel's all with good tread various with patterns £15 quid each,

88 inch cut down RR chassis believe to be ARC legal, with Rover V8 EFI £300.

Transfer box LT230 1:1.00 RR V8 £60,

Transfer box Borg Warner viscious coupling which is working not seized £85,

Disco gearbox spline wear on output shaft otherwisee GWO £20,

RR classic 5 speed gearbox £100,

Any other obscure bits I find or I have that somone wants just ask Jai


Check your PM's!!

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