I forgot it was the pub meet tonight and arrange to do some work for Carpy, if for any reason he is not able to make it then I'll be there later.
I forgot it was the pub meet tonight and arrange to do some work for Carpy, if for any reason he is not able to make it then I'll be there later.

s'ok dont worry about it, isnt hugely desperate that its done, can organise to do it some other time during the week, only welding on a shock
On for the pub meet again, can sone one please send me the details again to save me going back through the post, CHEERS.
gen kris i woulda txt you it but in on my old phone and lost a good deal of numbers will grab it from you tonight again a you later Jai
Whoever gets to the pub first... Would appreciate you saving a seat or space for a wheelchair for my friend who will be with me. He'll be bringing his own wheels. Cheers
That screams dodgy to me.It aint an overfinch and needs low range to get out of his drive????

and how despirate was the previous owner to do this ......

and while waiting for the new Chevy to arrive fron the States was offered a VM Diesel Engine and gearbox conversion which he subsequently fitted.
Sorry couldn't make it last night,i didn't leave watford till 21:45,i seem to do so many hours for work but for so little in return :mad2: anyway what was discussed/planned last night.


p.s im replacing my water pump but the gasket(new) i've got has a few bends in it,will this be ok or should i get a new one.
i think we worked out a date 10th of July to in to Wales i really want to get back up into derbyshire for a weekend which i will do even he in camping kinda ad hoc one weekend. We met a couple of new faces i hope we didnt scare them off cop they were decent guys i hope next time we can get the back room more space for us all who ever gets there next time will have to take over the back room
i think im going to book the next pub meet off work so i dont miss it AGAIN.
any plans for some green laning or whaddon soon?

atb lee
Jai, Never met you guys yet but would be interested in weekend to Derbyshire if you are ok with this. My mate and I do bit of offroading but want to try some greenlaning so pls keep us in mind, thanks

No Problem if we decide to go up there one weekend i'll pm you letting you know when etc i suspect it will only be me and possibly another vehicle so 4 would be a good number

These trips are not fomally organised as though they were club events. The fact that we are not a club means that these things are very informal. Basically someone decides they are going to a place on a particular date, and others decide whether they want to go too. Everyone is responsible for their own accomodation arrngements - and although we all get together in the evening for a pint and a **** take, people organise their own small groups of three or four vehicles so as not to cause too much disruption to other users.

Basic point to remember is that this is not an organised group - in fact it's a bloody disorganised group on a good day!


Chaps, Thanks for that, it all sounds good to me, look forward to catching up at some stage for mud, beer and **** take...standard weekend really!!. K
anyone got a rear land rover step laying about - could do with one for someone asap if anyone has one!

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