I have nowhere now! have you seen my garden? Lol I spent all day winching and pushing motors about on a bar to get everything the right way around.

I think the 88 inch chassis I will put new bushes/shocks on and then clean up some axles that I have kicking about and I think I may even have a gearbox for it now to replace the blown up unit that caused the death of the RR in the first place. So the running gear could well be on soon. At least then I can move it about! Without having to drag it about.
Ref mad hat man.

If you read my post you will see this at the bottom.

It is possible for a light squeel to come from a clutch but it will not be from the bearing

This very light squeel normally hardly perceptable is possible when the clutch pressure plate fingers lightly rub against the surface of the release brg. As a later poster suggested a tightly adjusted pedal can make this worse but normally a free moving brg will never make a noise because it breaks contact with the pressure plate.

Revving the engine will also raise the pitch enough to stop the noise from human ears.

If you really are convinced its this problem then you can squirt a little water into the drain hole and the noise should disapear until it dries out again.

After 22 years as a landy mech I have never had any car make a loud squeel because clutch pressure plate fingers are lightly brushing against the brg face.

Ryder. Think of a slide hammer as a hammer for pulling rather than pushing. Body shops use them for pulling out dents. You can remove stubborn injectors, brgs etc. The only problem is connecting the hammer to the part you want to pull out. Suction cups, old injectors or even hardened steel hooks are used for various applications.

I would want to hear the noise myself before passing judgment.

Bummer is I leave for leeds in about 1 hour from writting this. I am back on the 23rd.

Try this.
1. Can you make the noise happen whilst the car is stationary? Try the main gearbox in nuetral/transfer in h/l. Then try the main box in gear and the transfer box in neutral.
2. Does the noise require road speed?

If you can get the noise stationary, main box in neutral, transfer box in h/l then it is very likely to be a main gearbox input/layshaft brg/gear problem.

If you get the noise stationary, with the main gearbox in gear, clutch up but the transfer box in neutral but NO noise when in the condition stated above you should look at the transfer box.

I know what you said in a previous post about pressing the clutch and the above tests should identify the area of problem.


If you need to be moving and the noise is not heard when trying out the above stationary checks. Might I suggest you try applying the handbrake slightly/gently. You might just have a stone or dislodged hand brake shoes/ mud in there.

It wouldnt be the first time a stone or some mud made a driver want to pull out the gearbox.

Good luck.

OK well I know it has been a while but we have finally been able to carry out the checks you suggested.

The bottom line is that I am unable to reproduce the squeal while stationary. I have tried all combinations of high/low/DL/in and out of gear and still no noise so I am hopeful that the Handbrake will prove to be the culprit - Am sending slave #1 (err sorry... son #1) uynderneath tomorrow to remove the handbrake and take a very serious look see!
I have nowhere now! have you seen my garden? Lol I spent all day winching and pushing motors about on a bar to get everything the right way around.

I think the 88 inch chassis I will put new bushes/shocks on and then clean up some axles that I have kicking about and I think I may even have a gearbox for it now to replace the blown up unit that caused the death of the RR in the first place. So the running gear could well be on soon. At least then I can move it about! Without having to drag it about.
Kai'll take any axles you don't want! He's really getting in to this cleaning n reselling lark!
B3aker How did it go today?

Went well today, was fun. Found a couple of closed lanes, partly my fault as i couldn't remember if they were or not from previous occasions. Drove Violets lane and Standon. Looks like a tree has came down into the ford at Standon, very tight getting past.
today was very enjoyable:)

the fords were quite deep and it was very entertaining at violets lane seeing the bikers getting quite annoyed about 3 LR's causing tidal waves all over their already flooded bikes :)

would like to thank Beaker for leading the convoy and navigating the way around the various lanes- cheers mate :D

today was very enjoyable:)

the fords were quite deep and it was very entertaining at violets lane seeing the bikers getting quite annoyed about 3 LR's causing tidal waves all over their already flooded bikes :)

would like to thank Beaker for leading the convoy and navigating the way around the various lanes- cheers mate :D

Can't believe anyone took a bike through there.:eek:
lol, the yank tank would had flooded i think .

ryder- i still have it mate give me a bell when you want it as it is at my lock up in houghton
b3aker are you about tomorrow?

looks like we are going to get hit badly with snow in the coming week if the weeks weather forecast is anything to go by! so be prepared people, it could get quite white again

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