I know Kai's pretty good but I hope you checked it. No good tightening them to required torque if they are not seated correctly they will soon seat and you wil be all wibbly wobbley again. Did you get your gearbox sorted yet?
Well guys, I'm not going to make it.

The alternator on the Rangie has died and I can't get it sorted in time to get home so for now I'm marooned in North Wales.

Have good one, catch you all later.
guys i'm going to come tomorrow, just one thought i have only got General Grabber TR tyres on my 90, will these be ok for laning

If you need better tyres. You shouldnt be driving the lane in the first place!

Ground clearance would be the only issue. The guys with you are sure to help out if needed.

Make sure you have a real good rope (not strop or any other lifting gear) and somewhere to attach it front and rear.

Have fun.
Still need to wash mine from whaddon last week! :doh:

Lets hope it don't get too cold overnight, or the landy will be a bastid to start.
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I did the lanes north of Hatfield, Hertford, up to and including Furneaux Pelham. Did them with a mate in a bog standard Defender on 205 Michelin road tyres. Lots of ice around, so watch the roads. Furneaux is as deep as possible without a snorkel with an unlifted/normal tyre motor. I went first, so pushed a lot of the water out of harms way. Be careful if you've got a standard motor. It's safe if you're careful. I'd say Standon would be a definite no-no without a raised air intake.
i've got 235 70 tyres and just fitted some nice new cast jates to the front and have 11ton rope and some 4ton shackles
I know Kai's pretty good but I hope you checked it. No good tightening them to required torque if they are not seated correctly they will soon seat and you wil be all wibbly wobbley again. Did you get your gearbox sorted yet?

hi Jai, he didn't remove the bearings, just tightened them up where they had settled in following the refit a few weeks ago. Got the gearbox on the shogun sorted out... the clutch slave cylinder had gone so we fitted a new one on thursday.

Thing is that now I think we may have knackered the CV joint by driving the shoggy with a knackered clutch. It is making a bloody awful clicking sound that can also be felt all the way back through the steering and does seem to be coming from the nearside wheel.

Gearbox on the disco is the next thing to attack... hoping to get it into the drive tomorrow and start eliminating possibilities following your bro's advice that he posted a week or so ago.

HNY to you and Rachel BTW!
I did the lanes north of Hatfield, Hertford, up to and including Furneaux Pelham. Did them with a mate in a bog standard Defender on 205 Michelin road tyres. Lots of ice around, so watch the roads. Furneaux is as deep as possible without a snorkel with an unlifted/normal tyre motor. I went first, so pushed a lot of the water out of harms way. Be careful if you've got a standard motor. It's safe if you're careful. I'd say Standon would be a definite no-no without a raised air intake.

Just remember when Spyderman says "It'll be fine..." He really means "Go on... I need a good laugh!"
I would like to come along, i dont have a motor at the moment. if Kris300tdi decides to go then i will jump in with him, if not depending on if i can be bothered i will drive up there in the rangey and then park up. its a shame none of you lot live by me i could dump my car there then! ahh well
i've got 235 70 tyres and just fitted some nice new cast jates to the front and have 11ton rope and some 4ton shackles

Alright mate do you want a snorkal for your Defender i have a Safari one for sale its basicly new complete with box and fitting instructions etc. It's for 300tdi or Td5. Im 5mins from Ware.

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