ryder how did your son get on with the uj's

had some trouble with the disco over heating at 60mph so took it to a garage that offered to look at it foc so took it down there on monday and collected it on thursday,they had it up on the ramps and had a good look round and found no leaks which was good,they noticed that loads of the fins are missing and some are bent which could be causing it to overheat but they also said it was prob an air lock as one day the water level was below min and then once run for a while the level went to the top of the expansion tank and later went back to req level anyway they said it had sorted itself so i took it for a test drive and got it running at 70mph for quite a distance and the temp gauge stayed just below the 1/2 way mark so thats finally sorted now and me happy .

sorry for the extremely long/boring post just thought id share it with you.

atb lee
Jai... Great to hear that you had a good day... just ****ed off to have missed it. Still next time we'll be there... Jas only has one birthday a year!

Spydie.... Geography was never my strong point!

Leonburger: Not you.... Oh I wonder whether it was DB then. If anyone recognises themselves let me know and I'll update the vid captions....


Kai made a start on the UJs but encountered some problems. Jai kindly helped us get the old ones out and they were proper fubared. Got the new ones but my vice is just a little too small to get them in. Well not too small if they go right first time but we suspect that we have jammed one of the pin bearings so we need to get the cup out and have another bash.

Glad to hear your heating problem has been sorted. Just an airlock? Nice and cheap to sort out then! Those are the sort of problems we can live with!
Ryder There was about 25 Landys scattered about in various states of disassembly all over the farm. Tdi's laid over in the middle of a field V8's and gearboxes just left all over I don't mean a couple I mean more like 10-15 engines and the same goes for gearboxes. I managed to come away with a piece of shiney stuff in Andys Disco and was offered a Trialler for £600 but I'm thinking its not exactly what I want even if I could afford it.
hmm my old girl still isnt quite a ok :S im not entirely sure what it is but tomorrow i will take another ganders
Ryder There was about 25 Landys scattered about in various states of disassembly all over the farm. Tdi's laid over in the middle of a field V8's and gearboxes just left all over I don't mean a couple I mean more like 10-15 engines and the same goes for gearboxes. I managed to come away with a piece of shiney stuff in Andys Disco and was offered a Trialler for £600 but I'm thinking its not exactly what I want even if I could afford it.

Ya see... thewre you go again... now I am REALLY ****ed off that we missed it!


I Daren't let Kai catch up on this thread... he'l be wanting the fellas phone number and handing over my card number before you can say "You're stuck where???"
hmm my old girl still isnt quite a ok :S im not entirely sure what it is but tomorrow i will take another ganders

Hmmmmm... When you sig is 3 times longer than your post.... do you have ego probems ?


Just kidding!
Ryder There was about 25 Landys scattered about in various states of disassembly all over the farm. Tdi's laid over in the middle of a field V8's and gearboxes just left all over I don't mean a couple I mean more like 10-15 engines and the same goes for gearboxes. I managed to come away with a piece of shiney stuff in Andys Disco and was offered a Trialler for £600 but I'm thinking its not exactly what I want even if I could afford it.

I coud probably raise the cash just after xmas given two things... 1) It's worth it... and 2) The wife doesn't ever ( and I mean EVER) read this thread!

He has so many V8's Carpy I thnink he just breaks them but I havent got his no at the mo but will get it asap.

Ryder, most of the motors looked like mot failures.

Here is a Vid for all you speed hungry modified motor freaks out there!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdM_QAAXOt8"]YouTube- ALRC Pick Farm JTV Trial.[/ame]

There is a few pics at the end of the tyro.
The hybrid is an 80 inch trial spec leaf sprung series 1 look alike thingy needs some axle work but again it has an arc legal cage which you could argue is worth three of four hundrud quid as its already tagged. 3.9 EFI i think I am getting some pics sent here to see what it looks like but ultimatly I have too many things I either sell what I have sweet 3.5 EFI V8, 88 inch coil chassis, axles etc and get that one with alot less work to complete. Or continue on with what I have. its a hard one. Jai
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The crazy person in me says get the leaf sprung as it will make me a much better driver because you have to drive around the lack of leaf spring articulation and will be the underdog although its only 80 inch and not 88 so its swings and roundabouts again.
Hmmmmm... When you sig is 3 times longer than your post.... do you have ego probems ?


Just kidding!

:cool:actually im tryin to do a spoof of MHM coz i commented his a little while back but he isnt noticing:doh:

Carpy... you running a V8? I muist have missed that somewhere!

no but i will be in the series as soon as i can get my chops on one - need alot of stuff for that one! i anyone needs series bits giz a shout i got a garage full of em
Kai made a start on the UJs but encountered some problems. Jai kindly helped us get the old ones out and they were proper fubared. Got the new ones but my vice is just a little too small to get them in. Well not too small if they go right first time but we suspect that we have jammed one of the pin bearings so we need to get the cup out and have another bash.

Glad to hear your heating problem has been sorted. Just an airlock? Nice and cheap to sort out then! Those are the sort of problems we can live with![/quote]

they seem to think it was just an airlock,they had a good look round and there were no other signs of problems and it def aint the hg,i'll keep an eye on it for a while to make sure but i will prob get a new rad at the end of the month fit it,put in fresh antifreeze and bleed it all then job done (i hope).

hopefully you'll get the uj's sorted next time mate without any other probs but then again it always seems to be one thing after another with landys lol
sadly not, my 110 is giving me grief - mystery fan belt ****up, its not the PAS pump, it ent the water pump and its not the alternator, all the pulleys move nice and doesnt look to me like anything is grinding on the belt - but it wears like a bitch, a 250 mile round trip to laleston in wales and back and i need a new belt again!

grrrrrrrr think someone whose expertise outstrips mine may be needed on this one
Aye Kai can you give Carpy a hand?

Somthing is way outter line, a mullered pulley, seized or tentioned incorrectly needs going over I'm sure Ryder will sub Kai out cheap how about mates rate 15 quid an hour sound good to you? Lol

Just go over everything do not over tention it either. Needs to be just right. Are you sure your tentioner is running true? Typical prob on 300's

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