I've talked a mate into buying a landy, after much discussion of the last few years, today he's finally done it. He's bought a 300tdi 90 from John Craddock and it's immaculate. Picks it up in a couple of weeks after he comes back from hols. He's coming laning too.
His Mrs. has put him on pain of death not to trash it. I've known them for 20 odd years so I'd better behave.:D

Since when did you learn how to behave:eek:;)

You just know it'll soon have that "just washed with brillo" look, bigger tyres, light bar, snorkel, CB and who knows what else. Not that you'd encourage him at all.... would you:D
Oh bloody 'ell, are you ever gonna be able to resist the temptation to lead him into trouble? I remember being told "You'll be OK if you are going out with spyderman"... they meant "you'll be stuck fine if you're going out with spyderman!"

Has he seen the photos on here?
Oh bloody 'ell, are you ever gonna be able to resist the temptation to lead him into trouble? I remember being told "You'll be OK if you are going out with spyderman"... they meant "you'll be stuck fine if you're going out with spyderman!"

Has he seen the photos on here?

You was OK coming out with me, it's when you went out on your own that the trouble started.:doh:
Mr V dont you normaly go to pub straight from work? if so and you want picking up let me know. Steve

Thanks for that Steve, I'm off work this week to do my boot floor. Ryder's doing the honors of chauffeuring me for the evening. If that changes, i'll let you know. PM me your number if you don't mind.
i do believe last time ryder was stuck overnight he was with you spyderman. The last time Ryder was stuck so was Phil Classic kev seeing how bad took a good descision and stayed out the mud. Jai
yea its a funny thread i wanna do idont want you to do it your not one of us lalala thats why its best to keep us as we are no nick names no 'clubs' or 'groups' just anyone thats wants to go out have some fun and do no damage or hurt anyone,
Yeah is OTT. It hasn't stopped tho. They are carrying it onto other freds now coz that one is closed! I don't care who organises it and I think alot other people don't care that much either. Methinks maybe it's to do with the size of their....ummmm.....cars :hysterically_laughi
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