Hey... at least if you drive ashwell you won't be having any navigationi worries... one lane for the whole day ( and night perhaps;))
Its the fun part getting stuck!

Not so fun digging etc to get out again tho :D

But not when green laning! If you want to get stuck - thats what pay and plays are fur! If a road, and I repeat ROAD is impassable or not in a fit state to be driven, then it should be left to recover or possibly assisted to recover, not churned into a boggy morass.
But not when green laning! If you want to get stuck - thats what pay and plays are fur! If a road, and I repeat ROAD is impassable or not in a fit state to be driven, then it should be left to recover or possibly assisted to recover, not churned into a boggy morass.

I agree 100% with youbut accidents do happen when people think they can drive a certain stretch but cant.
I for one can admit to being stuck a few times and on sumlanes that I should have avoided.
Experiance tells me to avoid these now but thereare lots of inexperianced drivers out there that will keep getting stuck.
We can only advise in most cases and not enforce anything!
Its like the people who ask me why I want a winch on my disco as I only do green lanes in it?
Just a few months ago I winched quite a few people out of the snow and none of them complained.
I am always weighing up if we should drive or not drive certain lanes or bang on about group numbers etc See previous post. Somtimes We get called to help others, somtimes this is on a greenlane that none of us would ever consider driving. Do we not help the person stuck? Do we simply report them? I honestly say No you give them a chance mistakes happen. If you help extract them causing minimal damage to the lane and vehicles job done. If the stuck car was recovered by the police they usually cause alot more damage to the lane than we ever would. IF the person that has been previously recovered do it again you can simply walk away and call them idiots. I will help most people that are stuck unless its blatent disregard for anything.

We keep on about these hard lanes Harlington in particular. Well to be honest they are not. If the conditions are bad then yes its probably impassable and could cause damage to the lane. So we walk away. If its a dry day you can drive it in a freelander if you straddle the ruts. The farmer uses the lane alot daily and has carved 2 or 3 foot ruts along parts of the lane. He repairs this every year but by this time of year it is opened for vehicluar rights it will be deeply rutted.

So how many times in the last few months have we not driven a lane because it looks to be too bad and may cause damage. Many times I would suggest. Myself I have missed out on 2 lanes and I've been out of laning for a few months.

All this said, if a lane is driveable without causing damage to it or the vehicles then why not drive a Right of Way? It is our Right isn't it? If we dont use them we will certainly loose them.

It seems so many pics are being posted of late that make us look like hooligans. Weather its stuck up to your axles, driving off the RoW or motors at funny angles these all make us look like fools if we are indeed greenlaning and not at a pay and play day. Unavoidable accidents somtimes happen.

As for us Herts Laners, I think Derbyshire was a perfect example. There were many quarrys you could have played in and gone off piste and nobody would have batted an eye lid. There was lots of evidence of Landys/Suzukis playing. We did not. We were all very sensible and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I was very happy and I thought it was a very pleasant weekend with good company.
Forgot to say that there are still many antis and anything they can use will be used to eventually take over all our greenlane network. Simply saying bollix to them does not work this has been done since I can remember and to date we have lost shed loads of Rights of Ways. Its a battle and everything we can do to keep our hands on our sparce greenlane network the better. I honestly believe that if we use Greenlanes we should be responsible for doing our upmost to keep them open. Jai
My comment was concerning the deliberate rape of green lanes. Yes we all occasionally get stuck and part of the fun must be driving places that your average Mondeo cant go. I have used my winch on a couple of occasions to remove fallen trees and other blockages. I know the SLUTS have regularly carried out lane maintenance, as I am sure you, most likely have? I would also consiser taking the occasional load of ballast to fill in some of the larger ruts ( mine is a pick-up). It is easy to say "walk the route", but very few of us do; and to be honest, would you want to?
I'd be a red sock if I wanted to walk everywhere. Delibrate Rape of greenlanes is awful I see quite often vitara's being ragged around by travellers bouncing off of trees at one of our local lanes bloody idiots. Jai
cool stuff - i have just primered my roof rack, its going black. then when i get back from germany i think i will drill in the 4 spotlights i have laying about. should look good!
I'm back home now. Harlington isn't too bad today. That farmer really butchers that lane though, it doesn't suprise me that it is closed over the winter.

Met DB and saw Roland and Beth for the first time in a while. A nice stress-free day out in the sunshine. Thanks peeps.
Thanks for a good day out today.

Had to stop on the way home to adjust the clutch slightly, bloody thing......

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