I still like the drop into the water was a weee bit more of a sheer drop that first anticipated! Being wedged on the spare wheel mount was testiment to how severe the drop was. I can only imagine Spyderman and Carpys face when my front end nose dived into the drink. But all was well and I managed to get through and back again up another bit that was a bit touch and go but we got through it all right. Jai

i tell you what we were absolutelyp issing outselves - when you went nose down i started getting rib ache - that was fantastic!
It did make me suspicious when Spyderman said yea "after you" and even when he looked at it he was like "its not that steep, go on ave a go!" yea right! lol
It did make me suspicious when Spyderman said yea "after you" and even when he looked at it he was like "its not that steep, go on ave a go!" yea right! lol
That's why I didn't do it, I saw your spare wheel take that knock and I thought I'd lose my rabbit hutch if I did it.:D
Well as with any thing we do you need to wash the landy off thoroughly get it spotless and it will make things last longer and wear out less quickly. But some things do just go. Jai
yea getting the pressure washer out now. would have been useful using the one on site but with that steering it was probably better to make a move
Well I'm glad the field mechanics we did got you outter trouble. There was no question really I love that kind of challenge to continue or to get around problems that would normally cause a a breakdown or ride home on the back of the AA or RAC van here in the UK. Kinda things I imagine you would have to do if you have no option but to drive like travelling in a desert with no help, no support and only your skill and you head to get you outter the crap. I likes it me! Jai
im with you on that one - my problem is im still needed a little more experience on that front. although i know my way around the fan belt, cooling system and anternator quite well now - as well as all the steering side of things!

depending on finances i may just buy a totally fooked landy in the summer to **** around with - doesnt matter if i cock it up!

experience is key - and its a key that me and many others are no doubt looking for at present!
Bloody hell my luck is in ,, Beth has only gone and won a four day expedition trp in Croatia thanks to landrover .. I get to play with someone elses Landrover .. LOL i hope that they havent seen me driving :D. leaving in May ....

Hope your all well ..

Dont suppose anyone has a series 3 diff lying around they want to sell? Carpy you'll learn quickly with regards to mechanics because you own a Landy! lol
Dont suppose anyone has a series 3 diff lying around they want to sell? Carpy you'll learn quickly with regards to mechanics because you own a Landy! lol

yea - one of those things. its bloody good fun and wouldnt bother me - but its not a great time for things to go wrong atm - rather wait till after june!
Blimey guys! Well done Beth... win one for me next time!

Have a great trip... loadsa photos and videos you know we love em!

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