Hey Dan,

Cheers I'll send you my number later via PM, Its nothing important really just somthing I was tol;d that got me thinking.

Remember if you are changing your clutch make sure you get a new pressed steel clutch fork or at least check your one out for wear and use plenty of copper slip on the ball they have a habbit of wearing through after a few K miles its sometimes worth welding a thin strip behind the new one to prolong the life of it. Somone said thay have fitted a cast Iron Range Rover clutch fork before now with good results but Can't remember who exactly that was It may have been my Bro. Jai
OK I have a small emergency. My original plans for a trailer have fallen through, I am going to be seriously stuck with a sick landy and no way to move it from my house top the new place. Just to make things worse I am absolutely up to my limit financially and can't hire one!

If anyone has access to a trailer and can loan it to us for a few hours on Saturday I would be eternally grateful!
Ryder didn't Alf say you could borrow his if and when you needed a trailer? Rangie boy Luke dad? or am I talking absolute rubbish?? Jai
You know what... he did say that. I'll call at the house tomorrow and talk to him... just hope he wasn't drunk when he said it and remembers what he said! ;)
Hey Dan,

Cheers I'll send you my number later via PM, Its nothing important really just somthing I was tol;d that got me thinking.

Remember if you are changing your clutch make sure you get a new pressed steel clutch fork or at least check your one out for wear and use plenty of copper slip on the ball they have a habbit of wearing through after a few K miles its sometimes worth welding a thin strip behind the new one to prolong the life of it. Somone said thay have fitted a cast Iron Range Rover clutch fork before now with good results but Can't remember who exactly that was It may have been my Bro. Jai

will be buying a new one, i've bought everyhting else new so i may as well get that n all,
is anyone a dab hand at wheel bearings? im still useless at them and need to do them some pont next month, before an event, if anyone has few spare hours in my neck of the woods.

Hiya Dan,

If you need a hand with wheel bearings I don't mind but I'm not down your way that often next time I'm down that way I'll shout or your welcome to come up and I'll sort them out sometime. Jai
OK folks gonna be offline from tomorrow until Wednesday (ish) so hope the world doesn't crumble without me!
Right lads soon as he's gone we'll change the forums address. he'll never find us. :lol:
OK folks gonna be offline from tomorrow until Wednesday (ish) so hope the world doesn't crumble without me!

your lucky, i been waiting 10 days already and got another 15 to wait till i get internet, am being naughty and useing the man next doors at the mo
Blimey... does he know?
no he dont, thats why im getiing my own its just takin so bloody long, got an o2 dongle that i can use anywhere but it gets realy bad signal at home and reminds of the old dial up internet, it takes about 2-3 mins to load a page on this forum.
no he dont, thats why im getiing my own its just takin so bloody long, got an o2 dongle that i can use anywhere but it gets realy bad signal at home and reminds of the old dial up internet, it takes about 2-3 mins to load a page on this forum.

Jamie be bleedin careful! Ask the fela if it is at all possible. What you are doing is vey very illegal! If his firewall picks up your IP you are liable for fraud at the very least!
Jamie be bleedin careful! Ask the fela if it is at all possible. What you are doing is vey very illegal! If his firewall picks up your IP you are liable for fraud at the very least!
i no, as i said i am waiting for mine to be connected, i only use it if i realy have to, aswel as asking him i will also explain to him the importance of haveing his network secure and set it up for him.

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