I tried the long corner,
hard on the gas it pushed me wide.
soon as i let off it came back to me.

so i think all is well.
I'm a month ish away from having a road legal landy. Will plan a trip with Leebastard when he is next in the country, easy lanes as mine will be my daily. Any planning will be on hear

I am back! For a few weeks seemingly. Took the landy out today and have a worrying noise from either the clutch or gearbox I think. I guess that's the downside of standing still for 3 months.
Welcome home Lee. There is a Trial in Sewell this Sunday. I won't be going as I want to get my 200tdi Range Rover welded up ready for setup at Roundhill on 18th of April with the trial on 19th. Hopefully it will be done then get a laning day sorted before Nationals. When you next country hopping Lee?

Hope everyone is alright!

Lee if your about I'll steal my rope off you at some point. Going through my landy boys need to de clutter!

If anyone has any wants or spares I have loads of series spares axle etc just shout.

Don't think I'll be out much got the little on home today 41 hours with no sleep wasn't fun in the L b D but it's got to be done!!

Ps anyone got 3d drawings of a series 2b FC? I have like 3.5 years to build a toylander!

Long enough!! I will ring to see if I can trailer it over to get the last bit of chassis welding done then it's back to body work and we can play.
cool Buddy

Just need to find my wallet, got to Post Office in Leighton Buzzard only to find an empty pocket

Think I left it in my coat at home

I'm out of it wit a 9 day old baby for a few weeks. Send some PM's out you may get lucky.

I'd usually be up for playing but got loads of work on and a baby to sort out

Cant do anything this weekend. but should hopefully have clutch servo fitted within the week so will be up for playing soon.

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