Engine nearly there

Ye the water pump one is but it's just a belt that I have rather than buying one. The tensioner and bracket is for the air compressor but not doing that just yet. I will get a new belt when I need to and not before.
Took a day off from landying (sorry) but went to Iron Plate Action Shooting comp in Northampton using .177 pellet co2 pistols loadsa laughs! Back on the landy now till Xmas and then the off-roader gets hammered out
Would love to tag along on your next trip.
I went up to the half moon lane entrance and no way can cars get through the barriers haha.
Would love to tag along on your next trip.
I went up to the half moon lane entrance and no way can cars get through the barriers haha.

Yes you can I've driven my old mans disco and he has driven the lane. You cave about an inch either side but it does fit. If you have rock sliders that stick out wider than he body then you may have issues but the body will go through without damage.

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