Chaps out of interest does anyone have the ability to fit tyres? Oaktree are messing me around a bit and I need the motor tomorrow. Can't find anywhere locally that will do it reasonably. Naturally I will line your palms with silver/cake

Mine ain't balanced either
Talking tyres, what pressures do people run. Having fitted new tyres I put the recommended 28 front 38 rear. Now I feel every bump, which on my drive to work is a pain in the arse
The big beast above runs 14 psi. I would say 28 about right. Rears could be softer if you are not carrying weight. I put 30 psi in all of Lees. 7 tyres fitted for him and axel welded for his mot. Cheers for the pint by the way.
Afternoon all, Long time no see!

Quick update as to where i have been other than work!
Had the dreaded HGF on my 110, all looked good once it was off and the head looked as though it had just shifted slightly, by the looks of the bent and sheared off dowels. Anywho, had it tested just incase....

Blasted cracked fuel gallery in injector 1, Damnd Td5!!!! So just taken delivery of an AMC head for it and all the bits to put it back together again, as well as some other bits whilst i have the engine in many many parts!!!

So, I shall hopefully be back up and running in a couple of weeks once i get an MOT and all that Jazz!!!

Hope you are all and shall have to attempt to make the pub meet next month.


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