

That's the fun I've been having today

A bit drastic for the tree, just winch you over that kerb. :D
Funny you should say that Joules. I cleaned all the connections off but it was the bulb to bulb holder connection that fixed it but both sidelight bulb holders are really, really rusty and there is no pressure holing the bulb in there at all. I thought all was good, but when I picked up the MOT certificate the guy said that the light wasn't working, but then "magically came on" during the test - so that's a pass.

I've ordered a couple of the bulb holder innards to replace the rusty ones.

It was my last day of my cushy working from home on standby job today so back to commuting to London next week, so i'll be at the pub if only to moan about it.

See you there

Congratulations JC. did you fix that light that was out last month?

Hopefully see you on Wednesday.
What me get lost? Never.
No still at home. Something came up so I'm not going to make it.
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Yeh all the big jobs are done. It's finding time to get up there atm. Still, working in education means only two more weeks before a month and a half off :D
Anyone free today for some local lanes.

I was working today so couldn't do it
I'm going to convert the range rover from springs back to air soon so I can adjust the ride height
Still only got 50/50 tyres and due to cost it looks like it will stay like that for this year
Being kept out of it by work and working on the off-roader once that's done I'm back to at's and 235 85 r 16's and sensible gearing eek!!

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