I might join you. I haven't been to Whaddon since I killed the first engine.
Would be a real test of what the Spydiemobile is now capable of. A bit of a learning curve.
I might join you. I haven't been to Whaddon since I killed the first engine.
Would be a real test of what the Spydiemobile is now capable of. A bit of a learning curve.

Have you picked it up now? Is it sorted?
refurbed injectors new injector pump, now runs perfect, no smoke at all and I'm £900 poorer.
It's a once and for all fix and I'll never sell it

After the amount of blood, sweat tears and money I shouldn't think so.:eek:
Just did Harlington lane as it closes after tomorrow. Ryder & Gibbo Phil came along, with Jai riding shotgun with me. Ryder only had the Shogun with him so only did the first bit and jumped in the back of mine for the tough stuff.
Gibbo went first and did really well, he only got stuck once, little tug backwards and he got through on the second attempt. I followed him, took it easy, just clawled through on not much more than tickover. Turned around at the top and came back the way we'd been.
The ruts were pretty deep, but no problems at all.:cool:
The Spydiemobile behaved itself perfectly, now time for a bit of a challenge.:D
Isn't that a bit of a downgrade? My disco's much more capable than my Shogun was!

depends on how you drive it and what your running tyres etc, no rot no problems swb so no massive over hang TD so no looking at water and breaking down granted the suspension on the rangerover and disco is better but you can jack these up just buy a couple of bolts plus gunna us it as my everyday car so not to worried if i cant do massive mud runs etc

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