Yes, been there, done that.

The van back needs squeezing in slightly but not enough to effect the standard series door
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Roundhill is Very good!!!

Woo just had conformation of the nats and Anglian Clubs involvement should be a right Laugh! KJ let me know if your booking up might aswell try and book it up at the same time. DJdommy wants some bits for his 88 I may have some bits just shout as I'm having a clear out of stuff over the next few weeks. J
FFS I never ran out of diesel. I just found that at extreme angles the pickup on a 90 isnt always submerged. I used that fuel to get home and around for nearly a week.
Will be booking up, defo for Nats. Might actually be a volunteer for helping run/marshal the RTV despite wanting to compete, after all its about time to put some effort back in.

Could always double drive your ccv :rolleyes: wonder how they would handle drivers from different clubs in same motor :D
Will be booking up, defo for Nats. Might actually be a volunteer for helping run/marshal the RTV despite wanting to compete, after all its about time to put some effort back in.

Could always double drive your ccv :rolleyes: wonder how they would handle drivers from different clubs in same motor :D

Assuming I get it done Its getting mighty dark latley ;-(. I think I may enter the comp safari............EEK! be the slow bugger driving around at a snails pace!! CCV would be good and maybe just maybe the Team Recovery pending a willing partner. Been reliably informed we can layout team recovery, comp and CCV aslong as you don't drive them so. Joules you can help out with CCV or indeed marshal the CCV, Team recovery or comp and take part in the RTV!!!

DJDommy has a nice base for an rtv/ccv motor
Just need to tax it then I'll be bringing mine out for some laning to get used to it. Deffo going to have a play at nationals

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