Looks like CVLRC are sorting the RTV out!
ANGLIAN and SOMERSET & WILTSHIRE are sorting the ccv, team recovery, bike trial and comp safari.

ESSEX are doing the TYRO,

This is going to be a really fun National!!

Since both Anglian and CVLRC are
Local to us and a few of us are members aye KJ!
Does this mean I cannot rtv? May have to learn to set up. Was going to have a go with cvlrc at setting out soon at a forthcoming trial.
You're allowed to cut front wings so bumper might be OK, Detroit Locker rules me out for sure though

Not a hope mate! LOL.

Your front bumper has been bent/modified to allow additional ground clearance and steeper approach angle.
Tyres too big unless you are a 1 ton or forward control.
Rear auto diff locker instant ban.

And after the scrutineer picks himselfoff the floor from laughing so hard and checks out your car he will ban you for a dodgy steering relay!

Stay with the play sites mate. Nice vid BTW. Place looked empty though!
Never built it for trailing nowhere near enough driving per day for me.

Whaddon had about 20 motors there, most of which were stuck. Good fun.
Hey LRJ!! Hows it up there in Scotsville have the scots invented electric yet???

Let us know Jack when your back and we'll sort out a beer!!!
You're allowed to cut front wings so bumper might be OK, Detroit Locker rules me out for sure though

Zero chance of bumper,
zero chance of tyres,
zero chance of locker,

Bodywork is fine.

Anyone know if you can buy Series rear axle front spring hangers complete??
Great day today, first time driving RTV in Killajoules series 1. Djdommyp as co pilot and came 4th in the leaf, KJ came second so a good day overall. One 90 ended up damaging his wing and roof badly due to driver error but other than some dents no damage. Photos to follow as soon as I upload them onto puter.
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I am sure Killajoules will add some when the wife allows :ballchain:
Quick question for those what know. Dose a S2 truck cab / van back fit a S3. And will either off either fit a lightweight?

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