Wow! You're not holding back with your new land rover. I feel bad enough scraping my old paintwork. Good on you though. How often ate you going out on the local lanes now?

well have been out a few times now, but hoping to go out again soon. well its only a few scratches and nothing to worry about if i could b bothered i recon they would mostly t-cut out.
B3aker and Jai know the details, not much more said than what's on the last few pages on hear.

Got to put the mods on djdommyp's disco before then, might have a few of my rangy toys on for the trip as well :p
Anyone interested about trying to get our local lanes reopened. Forty foot shut again. Yelnow , donkey lane, scott street.all shut One in ravensden. I think its time we all stand up locally before we have no lanes left. I walked some today and they arnt wet just more overgrown. They will become impassable in time and then the council will definitely not touch them. Can we get a list together who wants local lanes kept open. And all write letters to tro officers. Any thoughts
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Anyone interested about trying to get our local lanes reopened. Forty foot shut again. Yelnow , donkey lane, scott street.all shut One in ravensden. I think its time we all stand up locally before we have no lanes left. I walked some today and they arnt wet just more overgrown. They will become impassable in time and then the council will definitely not touch them. Can we get a list together who wants local lanes kept open. And all write letters to tro officers. Any thoughts

what is it i need to do
There are now three row officers in bedford. Think adrian fett is the main one. The lanes are in bedfordshire. Email to contact him is adrian.fett@bedford.gov.uk. may make them think if they have a few emails or phone calls info on rights of way in bedfordshire on net.
Good luck with Adrian Fett, As said before Michelle (I think) was decent enough to email back and give a little info on another question or two. Adrian straight refused to tell me weather I could legally drive 4 greenlanes. His response on the phone was if he was I, He wouldn't drive any until I knew for sure. That was the reason for the phone call. When I asked if they had rights to be driven (Its HIS job to know or at least find out and get back to me) He told me not to drive them. 2 I knew were legal and two were unknown. I simply didn't know who to forward his response to because he was clearly failing at doing his job. Spyderman has had dealings with him and I believe has the same opinion as me that he has ZERO interest in helping anyone other than his own. RA members.

Its far deeper than you know as my local MP has not responded to any of my mails however another local MP has but is powerless due to the fact that he is not my rep.

The main bloke advising the Government on rights of way matters and rural affairs is a fully paid up member of a group of land owners thats only goal is to restrict access (keeping their value) to their land. This is not something we can go lightly with many of us have sent emails, online petitions the only thing that will work now I believe is actually getting into London and making a scene. Many of us are unwilling mainly due to the cost of getting into London is our Horrible, discusting child killing 4x4's is £200 per day.

The Only fact is that we are losing lanes daily. Sticking to the rules has not worked its sad to say. One school of thought is to say feck it and drive everything one I'm not a fan of at all nor condoning or will ever do. I even joined GLASS and what a total waste of my money that was. We lost more lanes that year than any. The softly softly approach isn't working and hasnt for 30 years. So now what can we do????? Well I'm at that place and have been for around 8 years. Any suggestions welcome we its somthing for a pub meet night and one of the reasons to gather and try and find a soloution. Maybe I have missed the obvious way forward maybe there is no way to go.
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You may be right jai. There might be nothing we can do. Ill see if i get a reply tomorrow. Ill go to my local councillor to. Its like everything in this country we complain about things and no one does anything. I want to do something about this. Our kids will never know what greenlaning is at this rate.
You may be right jai. There might be nothing we can do. Ill see if i get a reply tomorrow. Ill go to my local councillor to. Its like everything in this country we complain about things and no one does anything. I want to do something about this. Our kids will never know what greenlaning is at this rate.

Put me down for helping I'll do my bit I'm sure most of us will do what we can if you think of any more we can do just say!! Jai
I will help where I can, will have to get the range finished if there is to be a demo in London, as its LEZ exempt :D
As are most disco's and SW's I think.
Adrian Fett is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard, he will respond to you, in fact he phoned me on a Friday night, on the phone for about an hour, but it'll get you nowhere. He just doesn't see it from a 4x4 users point of view. I've suggested to both him and his boss that what they have been doing by using TRO's one after the other for years is basically a permanent closure which requires Secretary of State approval, they're bypassing the law.
I dunno if it helps but another guy to try at Bedford is Martyn Brawn, I believe he is the Rights of Way Team Leader, Countryside Access Service. I hope he is still there, not had any need to contact them in a while. If anyone wants Martyn's e-mail address send me a PM or e-mail and I'll pass it on.
Adrian Fett is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard, he will respond to you, in fact he phoned me on a Friday night, on the phone for about an hour, but it'll get you nowhere. He just doesn't see it from a 4x4 users point of view. I've suggested to both him and his boss that what they have been doing by using TRO's one after the other for years is basically a permanent closure which requires Secretary of State approval, they're bypassing the law.

No reply as yet. Im starting to see that there not the people to talk to. Weekend ill talk to my local councillor and see if he can help.
Emailed my local councillor who is town mayor and had a quick response. Said he was unaware of this happening and sent him a copy of what i sent Adrian Fett. He is going to ask him what the problem is. Can you send some emails to Adrian. Or just bug the row officers to reopen our lanes. Maybe someone will listen.

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