I have an overhead water feature in the form of a sunroof in my disco. I need to get a dehumidifyer o rmaybe some bags of salt.

Icicles used to literally try and kill you in my old series. Get a roof lining to stop the air touching the metal and all will be well.

Just ordered a tilt for the old girl - so that'll fix that issue. And no doubt supply new ones! Thought about fitting a lining (hard top being kept), but unsure how to get the required 'Solihull sag' just right so as to obstruct any rearview mirrors...
Steve try dunelms contact spray adhesive I used that and a tin of professional Evo stick of contact adhesive and the spray out lasted the tin for keeping my carpet on the roof
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Plenty of the white stuff here! There was plenty of ice on the inside of my caravan windows this morning and it hasn't got above freezing level today.

Cheers Andy I will look into that!
the lilly road was propper dodgy!!

Wont make the pub meet as I have a school meet up thingy but may get there after for a pint depending how late things run

Trialling at Brickhill site CCV RTV (TYRO aswell I think) will be there Sunday 9th anyone interested in trials come along bring some warm clothes and enjoy the mud dirt and sound of V8's
We'll be going. Probably only to spectate though. Still landy less here. Sorry I couldn't get to the pub tonight. Went to Asda and my back was in so much pain that I literally collapsed back into the car to drive home. Once I got here the idea of going out again seemed silly.

Have a good natter, the rest of you!
Trialling at Brickhill site CCV RTV (TYRO aswell I think) will be there Sunday 9th anyone interested in trials come along bring some warm clothes and enjoy the mud dirt and sound of V8's

Hi jai
Could you keep me up dated on this I'm still looking at doing some trialling next year but still want to watch a couple first just to see what it's all about

That club you told me to join never got back to me
I filled in the form and sent if off with the cheque but never herd back from them
Not sure why?
No worries,

I'll be going to Brickhill going to tax the motor today,

I want to join for next year hopefully at Brickhill.

If you get mega stuck check out muddyduck on here he was doing membership and i must say I let mine lapse because I havent got a car that is allowed to take part.

The best way to get involved is turn up and tag along with a marshall and depending whats on rotate around CCV is always good for spectators whereas RTV and tyro can look very boring. Tyro is for begginers and 14yrs plus. RTV is more for road going motors and can be a laugh if set out well and not just cane dodging. Anglian are a good bunch. there will be anglian and Chiltern vale Land rover club. theyre ok not bad at all but very very against greenlaning will explain when i see you more.

Come along of your free and have a look see.
Stew you should have an email from Spitfiremk1uk AKA Andy as i was around there last night playing with various CV's trying to get a strong setup on a disco stub axle relativly cheaply ish he had his email up so forwarded the map and details of the site
Stew you should have an email from Spitfiremk1uk AKA Andy as i was around there last night playing with various CV's trying to get a strong setup on a disco stub axle relativly cheaply ish he had his email up so forwarded the map and details of the site

Yep got the mail
Il see you there I'm aiming for 10am ish
Thanks again
Hey guys... hope all is well! Haven't seen many of you in a while. Looking for a disco at the moment. Kai desperately needs to get some driving experience but money is getting tighter and tighter. Have a disco getting welded at the moment - but whether it will ever see an MOT is not certain!

Missing the off roading... but feeling awefull because Kai is missing it too.
Sell the 109 gotta be worth 200 if its bolted back together sell the disco for parts should get et 500 ish 700 toward a new disco
Gone like RRC's spare and repair they are £500-800. There is a disco on hear for sale. Rear quarter damage and they want £650. Insurance write off though..

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