Dunno we might have to pack a spare diesel engine for you spyderman as you love making them go bang! I think you just love the noise it males!

So its fire extinguishers, spare diesel engine, unimog for Ryder and the frontera's. Anything else?
what time do you rekon you will be arriving at the campsite on the friday?

I finish work at 2pm and am contemplating coming down late friday afternoon rather than sat morning.

I am meeting Kris at Fleet at 3.30-4pm. I guess about half hour or so from there?
O.K. folks, the time is drawing near!!

You got 2 weeks to get it all sorted. We'll need to check some details I will post next week. Check the PM I sent to you all, make sure you post who is doing what and what bits you're taking.

As the unofficial organiserer I need your feedback.

First up, can I have confirmation of who is coming. When I post next week, make sure your name is on the list, we need to finalise the numbers - this is important so make sure you do it.

Can somebody contact the Rangey Boys and find out what their intentions are. DB, I know you are going away, so you can be excused, but give me what details you can - PM or phone me. Zoolandy, likewise but as we have spoken I know where we are at - no problem.

I'm hoping this will be one for the books, whether it will be notorious or imfamous I've no idea, but as long as it is fun, who cares.

Watch this space.:D
MHM Thanks for your phone number... hopefully we won't need it but its always good to have an emergency contact!


Just in case... how are your midwifery skills?
MHM Thanks for your phone number... hopefully we won't need it but its always good to have an emergency contact!


Just in case... how are your midwifery skills?

I seem t remember someone else thar gorris landy bogged down t the axles near Dafts

I t wer there fer a week if i remember rite , So i wunt hod yer breath in an murgency !:rolleyes:
Kev, I can pretty much answer anything re DB while he's away. We've kind of spent the last month together, so I'm very much up to speed on what his plans are. I'm seeing him Sunday week when he gets back from hols.